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Protest IAM S/6 Under Trusteeship
Source Troy Osgood
Date 08/04/07/02:00

Please read attached letter, we are under attack and need help!!!

THIS LINK SHOWS some of the issues that we are dealing with. The International Association of Machinist and Aerospace workers are putting our Local of 4,000 under Trusteeship in retaliation for not donating to the Machinists non-partisan political fund. They stole the money last year and when the membership voted not to give this year the Leadership was told they will pay. Pay we did, after two elections that we won they came in like a force from hell. They have had their paid henchmen in the yard and sending out letters campaigning against us using our dues money, violating laws as they see fit. They even went as far as having the District Lodge run a slate against the current Leadership. The District stood at each ballot box campaigning for their slate and after they lost had the results overturned and with the backing of the IAM held another election. You see the IAM feels political donations are usual and customary and must be paid. I believe it violates the law to extort money from our membership. Please if you know of anyone who can help or would work pro-bono on such an issue please contact me. The kangaroo court is on the 14th of this month.

Troy Osgood, Vice President in limbo for Local S/6 of the I.A.M.A.W.
My E-mail is

Troy Osgood
P.O. box 104
Bristol, ME 04539

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