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Donations Sought for Labor Battle of Virden Monument Memorial
Source George Rishel
Date 08/06/16/22:13

Battle of Virden Monument
A Project of
The Virden Sesquicentennial Group
John Alexander, Wayne Joplin, Claire Gibson, George Rishel, Directors

P.O. Box 117
Virden, Illinois 62690

June 2008

John Alexander, 965-5443
George Rishel, 965-3641

Donations Sought for Labor Memorial

DONATIONS ARE sought to complete the Battle of Virden labor memorial monument in Virden, Illinois. The impressive 6x12 foot bronze bas-relief monument commemorates an important event in labor history.

On October 12, 1898, in Virden, Illinois, thirteen people perished, including eight coal miners who were killed by armed guards hired by the owners of the Chicago-Virden Coal Company. The battle that resulted from a lockout was a milestone in the success of the labor movement in the United States and assured the future of the United Mine Workers of America (UMWA).

The Battle of Virden monument depicting this important event is a project of the non-profit Virden Sesquicentennial Group (VSG). The monument was unveiled and dedicated on October 28, 2006, with Cecil Roberts, international president of the UMWA as the main speaker. To date, more than $157,000 has been raised toward the $175,000 cost of this monument.

Donations in any amount are welcome. Checks or money orders should be made payable to the VSG and sent to VSG, P.O. Box 117, Virden, Illinois 62690.

Besides small donations, the VSG also offers two sizes of inscribed memorial bricks at $75 and $150 respectively. These bricks are installed at the monument site. They are listed on e-Bay and can be found by using the search term “Virden coal.” Donors of $1,000 or more have their names inscribed on the back of the granite wall holding the bronze monument. For more information, e-mail the VSG at

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