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Chicago Meeting On Medicare For All? A Union Discussion
Date 09/01/28/23:02

Medicare For All? A Union Discussion

PRESIDENT-ELECT OBAMA invited Americans to join a national dialogue on how to solve our national healthcare crisis. The leading Congressional proposal within the labor movement is the national single-payer bill, HR 676. The bill has been endorsed by 39 state AFL-CIO federations, 100 Central Labor Councils, and more than 400 local unions. The bill has 92 co-sponsors in Congress, more than any other health care reform bill.

But there are very successful multiemployer private insurance health care plans that could be negatively affected by a comprehensive shift to a government-based plan. Thousands of building trade unionists are enrolled in such plans

Join us and other union leaders, as well as grassroots activists for a health care policy forum to discuss the facts, fictions and implications of a universal, single-payer health care system.

Where: University of Illinois-Chicago
Student Center East
750 S. Halsted, Room 329

When: February 20, 2008

Time: 3:00-5:00

Forum Speakers include:

* Dr. Quentin Young
National Coordinator
Physicians for a National Health Program

* Donna Smith
Community Organizer
California Nurses Association
National Nurses Organizing Committee

* Sean Maddox
Fund Administrator
National Electrical Contractors & Local 134 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Employee Benefit Plans

* Keith Kelleher
Service Employees International Union
Healthcare, Illinois and Indiana

Please contact Robert Bruno ( or 312-996-2491) or Yesenia Vargas ( or 312-996-2624) for more program information

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