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Secret Tapes To Be Played in Case Of Falsely Accused NY Teacher Of The Year David Pakter
Source David Pakter
Date 10/05/24/18:00

On Monday, May 10, at 10 AM --
For the first time in the history of
NYC Dept of Education Teacher Trials,
a State Hearing Officer has requested and will allow
An accused NYC Teacher to play secret tapes
in his possession to prove his innocence.

This is a ground breaking event and will
prove beyond any doubt that former
'Teacher of the Year', David Pakter,
was falsely accused of wrongdoing by the NYC DOE.
No member of the media, Legal community
or anyone interested in Justice
can afford to miss this unique, first ever milestone
in the history of the long struggle by NYC Educators
to receive fair treatment and "Due Process"
at the hands of the 23 Billion Dollar
New York City Dept of Education.
Where: 49 Chambers Street, Manhattan
6th Floor
When: 10 A.M.
Hon. Douglas J. Bantle, Esq. - Presiding
Christopher M. Callagy, Esq. - for the Defense
Philip Oliveri, Esq. - Prosecuting for NYC

Note: New York City teachers have been removed from their classrooms and schools for decades based on the flimsiest heresay, fabricated allegations and bogus charges. Often the teacher is totally innocent of the accusations but is at the mercy of a system that makes proving one's innocence difficult if not impossible.
The NYC Dept of Education will present Witnesses who despite being under Sworn Oath,
will lie with impunity and not hesitate
to commit the most outrageous acts of Perjury
knowing that there is virtually no price to be paid if caught.
On Monday, May 10, at 10 A.M.
for the first time in history, a courageous and independent Hearing Officer, sitting in Judgement to decide a highly Decorated Educator's fate,
will allow David Pakter to have a fair shot at Justice.
The Honorable Douglas J. Bantle, Esq.
will permit the accused to let the entire public learn the Truth by playing a tape recording proving "who" said "what" and "where" and "when".
The Hearing Officer and the Attorneys will all hear what those who accused Mr. Pakter said - or did not say- from their own lips.
The great French writer,Victor Hugo, once said:
"There is no force on Earth so powerful as an Idea whose time has come."
That time is 10 A.M. on Monday, May 10
at 49 Chambers Street, 6th Floor, Manhattan.
Be a Witness to History.
Warning: the 6th Floor Receptionist has been known to falsely inform the Public there is NO Pakter Hearing scheduled.
Do Not Leave. Demand to speak to an Official.

For Those Interested In The Truth
About New York City's 'Rubber Rooms'
and Why They Exist
by David Pakter, M.A., M.F.A.

I am that New York City Educator written about in the prestigious FINANCIAL TIMES of London by 'First Person' reporter, Cian Traynor who is charged with “bringing a plant to school” but that is not the real reason I was banished to one of New York City’s infamous Rubber Room gulags.

These Big Apple "Guantanamos" which represent abominations that exist no where else in NY State, are being used more and more in New York City to retaliate against Whistle-blowers or teachers in general who expose corruption and/or mismanagement in the 23 Billion dollar New York City Dept/Board of Education.

Under the Dictatorial reign of Mayor Bloomberg and the Faux Chancellor Joel Klein, Esq., (a former Federal Prosecutor, who had to have strings pulled in Albany to get appointed via a "Special Waiver", since Klein lacked any of the normally required credentials for the position of Chancellor), the NYC Board of Education has increased its power and ability to intimidate its critics, exponentially.

Although many people in the News media have written stories dealing with the Rubber Rooms, the clear bias towards the teachers sitting in the City's legions of Rubber Rooms is always evident to any impartial reader.

There is always that lingering insinuation and/or subtle, or not so subtle suggestion that while a few teachers may not belong in the Rubber Rooms, by and large, allegedly and supposedly, the vast majority of the hundreds and hundreds of teachers sent there, often for years, probably did "something" to deserve this Fate.

In my case the reasons offered for my removal are so ludicrous, bordering on the preposterous, that one must actually attend one of my State Teacher Trial Hearings to believe that the charges even exist.

Let me say here that I fully and openly confess to the "charge" I brought some plants to my school to decorate the lobby. But that is not the real reason I was removed from my position.

Should anyone wish to know the real reason/s I was removed from my position, it is only necessary to visit the following website/s :

There in the first website above, one will see a photograph of me being Decorated by the former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in New York’s City Hall, as a “Teacher of the Year” for “Exceptional Achievement in Education”. I had designed, built from the ground up, and personally funded, the first premiere Medical Illustration Program in the United States for gifted Minority students.

The goal of the program was to serve as a launching pad to propel those students from socio-economically deprived backgrounds into Ivy League Universities and into careers including Medicine, as Physicians and research Scientists.

The success of this unique program was such, that it attracted the attention of Pulitzer Prize winning Journalist, Clara Hemphill.

But once I became a Whistle-blower the New York City Dept/Board of Education went after me with a vengeance not witnessed in decades and has led to multiple Federal Lawsuits against those responsible for the blistering amounts of Whistle-blower Retaliation that has been directed at me for the past 5 years.

To see just a small example of what New York’s students are being deprived of please visit my personal website:

I would welcome being contacted by any reporter or journalist, who ranks among the few reporters who does not buy into all the smoke and mirror propaganda constantly put out by Chancellor Klein's personal public relations machine stooges.

Any member of the news media who is interested in getting the real story behind the skewed and embarrassingly slanted slurs and smears directed at the countless teacher/victims of the NYC Board of Education under Bloomberg and Klein, can with very little effort, explore and research the reality of what New York’s “Rubber Room” system is really all about and learn how these Rubber Room “reassignment centers” are used to bludgeon, retaliate against and crush any teacher who has the temerity to Whistle-blow and/or otherwise report corruption and/or wrongdoing of any kind, within the 23 billion dollar New York Dept/Board of Education.

My upcoming State 3020-a, Teacher Trial Hearing dates are Monday and Tuesday, May 10 and 11, and will take place on the 6th floor at 49 Chambers Street in lower Manhattan at 10 AM.

The building is situated directly across the street from the huge marbled and Palatial size, Tweed Courthouse, which is now the headquarters and seat of power from which a non- Education credentialed individual named Joel Klein, rules his vast 23 Billion dollar Public schools Empire - with an iron fist it should be noted.

That immense edifice to the vast unbridled corruption and theft of Public resources, perpetrated by the notorious "Boss Tweed", in the last Century, before he was finally hauled off to jail, wearing his diamond encrusted gold cufflinks, is perhaps a fitting and perfect business address for today's present NYC Board of Education.

Klein and his willing lackeys and confederates are guilty of many ill conceived acts and decisions that have done incalculable harm to the dedicated Teachers, Parents and Public School children of our beloved City. But the tide is slowly turning and New Yorkers are starting to fight back.

And Bravo and bravo encore for that because our Children are not for sale, not even to a Billionaire and his "Legend in his own Mind", Faux Chancellor.

Attend a former "Teacher of the Year" turned Whistle-blower's Trial on May 10 and 11. See how your hard earned Tax Dollars are spent to crush dissent in a free Society.

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