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NEA protests IMF messing with teachers in Jamaica
Source Robert Naiman
Date 10/08/16/19:16

National Education Association NEA protests IMF messing with teachers in Jamaica-US Controlled IMF Imposing Attacks On Education Public Services In Jamaica

August 10, 2010
Timothy F. Geithner
Secretary, Department of the Treasury 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20220
Re: IMF and Jamaican Teachers Association

Dear Secretary Geithner:

The National Education Association (NEA) would like to express our
concern about reports that pressure from the International Monetary
Fund (IMF) is causing violations of fairly negotiated agreements
between Jamaican Teachers Association and the Government of Jamaica.
We respectfully request that you look into this matter.

The Brown amendment included in the Supplemental Appropriations bill,
which also contained the United States’ IMF funding request, requires
the U.S. director at the IMF to oppose any loans that fail to exempt
health, education and other safety nets from budget caps. As the major
shareholder and the only party with veto power at the IMF, the United
States is in a critical position to exercise leadership in its voting
at the IMF Executive Board.

The Brown Amendment is essential to defend countries’ right to invest
in their public services and stimulate their economies. Especially in
a time of recession, it is vitally important that the United States
make use of the Brown Amendment by explicitly instructing our IMF
director to oppose any and all IMF programs that do not exempt health,
education and other safety nets from budget caps.

We request your assistance in determining how the United States’
representative voted on the recent IMF agreement with Jamaica and in
ensuring that the tenets of the Brown Amendment inform all of our
actions with the IMF.

Thank you for your assistance in this important matter.


Dennis Van Roekel, President
The National Education Association of the United States

cc: Executive Directors, International Monetary Fund

Senator Sherrod Brown

Bill Ratteree, International Labor Organization

Fred Van Leeuwen, General Secretary, Education International

Peter Waldorff, Public Services International

Adolph Cameron, General Secretary, Jamaican Teachers Association

Michael Stewart, President, Jamaican Teachers Association

Assibi Napoe, Chair, Global Campaign for Education

1201 16th St., N.W. | Washington, DC 20036 | Phone: (202) 833-4000
Dennis Van Roekel President Lily Eskelsen Vice President Rebecca S.
Pringle Secretary-Treasurer John I. Wilson Executive Director

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