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CNA nurses join NUHW
Date 13/01/05/22:31

CNA-NUHW Says No More Concession Bargaining And Give Backs! CNA/NNU NUHW Affiliation Announced
The California Nurses Association CNA and the National Union Of Healthcare Workers NUHW announced an formal affiliation and partnership at a press conference held at the CNA headquarters on January 3, 2013. They both announced that their first priority will be to have a united campaign to oust the SEIU UHW at the 40,000 member California Kaiser unit and win representation by the the upcoming Kaiser representation struggle this year.
The election is being rerun after the NLRB accused the SEIU UHW led by Dave Regan with colluding with Kaiser management to manipulate the election in favor or SEIU UHW. Both unions also attacked the concession bargaining with give backs of healthcare benefits, defined pensions and other gains that have been won over many decades.
Angry nurses at the meeting said that they are fearful that if the concessions and givebacks continue they will lose everything they have won over 40 years. The CNA and NUHW also reported that SEIU UHW had negotiated major give-backs with a me too if another union was able to win better benefits putting the onus to advance and protect the healthcare workers on the backs of others.
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