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Video - USW5 Tesoro Pacheco Oil Workers "All Or None" Defend Our Brothers
Source Steve Zeltzer
Date 15/03/24/14:37

USW5 Tesoro Pacheco Oil Workers "All Or None" Defend Our Brothers
Striking USW5 Tesoro Pacheco oil workers rallied on March 18, 2015 at the Tesoro Pacheco refinery to demand that three oil worker activists and leaders fired for union activity be rehired, The union has demanded that Criff Reyes, Jose MaCay and Ruben Garcia be rehired before the union returns to work.
The company is seeking to divide the union and intimidate the members from supporting their union according to USW5 members. They also discussed the dangerous working conditions and the need to protect health and safety which these union members were doing.
Additional Video:

Music By USW Member Michael Fraser O'Brien
Production of Labor Video Project

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