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"Workweek" For April 2002

The Only Regular National Satellite Labor TV Show!

WorkWeek For April 2002 Includes Segments On:

San Francisco Examiner Newspaper Workers Win Union Vote: Watch as unorganized newspaper workers in San Francisco vote to join GCIU Local 4 and the reasons that they want a union.

British Columbia Students And Workers Strike And Organize Against Cuts: Students, workers and the community are up in arms about the attacks on the schools, social services and living conditions. See what they are doing about it.

Taco Bell Caravan comes To Chicago: Hear about a national fight for justice and the Taco Bell connection.

Victory Celebration For Charleston 5 Longshoremen: Join WorkWeek when we go to Charleston, South Carolina to celebrate the victory of ILA longshoremen who defeated a union busting attack. This opens the way to organizing many more workers throughout the south.

Free Speech TV E-Guide for Channel 9415 on the Dish Network

April 2002 WorkWeek Schedule

Monday 08th April 18:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Tuesday 09th April 16:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Thursday 11th April 12:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Friday 12th April 10:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Friday 12th April 18:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Saturday 13th April 02:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Saturday 13th April 10:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Sunday 14th April 10:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Sunday 14th April 08:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Monday 15th April 02:00:00 Series Workweek R
Documentary Monthly news magazine program covering international labor organizing efforts.
Free Speech TV schedule searchable by day, title, series or keyword:

For the Free Speech TV website go here:

WorkWeek the only regular national labor tv show on satellite TV is a production of
The Union Producers and Programmers Network
Labor Education Service
University of Minnesota
321 19th Ave. South No.3-300
Minneapolis, MN 55455

To Contact WorkWeek write
P.O.Box 425584
San Francisco,CA 94142
Or To Contact The Producers Call

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