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WORLD WIDE WORK - October 2004

 This edition of the free bulletin, World Wide Work, is published by the American Labor Education Center, an independent nonprofit founded in 1979.
Check out and comment on a highly controversial new 10-point proposal to change the labor movement's strategy and structure that was just released by SEIU.  It's on a new web site, UniteToWin.org, set up to host debate on labor's future that has taken on new urgency with the reelection of George Bush.  The site provides a chance to share your ideas.
New and worth noting?
* Gender and Work in Today's World
edited by Nancy E. Sacks and Catherine Marrone (Westview).  A useful smorgasbord of 29 writings about a wide range of issues related to work and gender, family responsibilities, and economic opportunity.
* America (The Book) by Jon Stewart and the Writers of the Daily Show (Warner Books).  A half-serious, half-comedy take on American history and American society today in the form of a thick parody of a high school textbook, complete with rather unorthodox discussion questions and classroom activities listed after each chapter. 
* What Turns Out Voters? by Donald P. Green and Alan S. Gerber (Brookings).  Two Yale professors have conducted experiments in a dozen states since 1998 comparing the actual effect of various commonly used methods aimed to turning out voters.  Their key conclusion: door-to-door canvassing with person-to-person conversation is both far more effective and cheaper than methods commonly promoted by campaign consultants such as direct mail and automated phone calls.
* Waiting for Rain by Nicholas Arons (University of Arizona).  An on-the-scene, New Yorker-quality report on Northeast Brazil and how it is affected by recurrent drought, with a twin emphasis on how natural conditions are manipulated by the politically powerful and on the truths told about the situation over the years by writers and poets. 
* Damned If I Do by Percival Everett (Graywolf).  An unusually original and entertaining set of short stories that combine elements of satire and the tall tale, often involving African American characters in the small-town West.
* Wandering Star by J.M.G. Le Clezio (Curbstone).  A moving, poetic novel that tells the stories of two girls, one Jewish and one Palestinian, from the time of the holocaust to the founding of Israel. 
* Rebels, Reformers, and Racketeers by Herman Benson (Association for Union Democracy).  A memoir by the founder of AUD, the independent center that for decades has fought to protect the rights of union members. 
* Civil Liberties vs. National Security in a Post-9/11 World edited by Darmer, Baird, and Rosenbaum (Prometheus).  A collection that provides a thorough, readable discussion of the issues involving the Patriot Act, domestic surveillance, racial profiling, and torture.  Includes some key documents as background.
* Globalization Bulletin
is a new listserve that provides links to the latest articles and documents related to economic globalization.  To subscribe, or to suggest that an item be listed, contact dbensman@smlr.rutgers.edu. 
* Globalwatchwalmart.com keeps up with what Wal-Mart is doing around the world.

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