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Construction, Maintenance and Allied Workers of British Columbia,
Communications, Paper and Energy Workers Union of Canada:

November 23, 2005
International supervision thwarted by Labour Board
The BC Labour Relations Board has stopped the International in its tracks

BC Labour Board Chair Brent Mullin has ordered the UBCJA to back off on supervision of the BC Carpenters Union.

He ordered the UBCJA to "refrain from imposing supervision" over the BC Provincial Council of Carpenters at this time. The order, which is now a BC Supreme Court order, stops the International from taking over the Council pending a "final resolution of the Provincial Council's application to the Board under Sections 5(1)(d) and 10(1) of the Code."

Actions under these sections are commonly referred to as "Unfair Labour Practices." In its application, the Provincial Council accused the International of intimidation and coercion as well as denial of natural justice, charges the Board found serious enough to issue the interim order.

BC Carpenters Union president Len Embree called the decision "A great victory. Perhaps now the International will stop interfering with the membership's rights to run their own affairs in a free and autonomous union."

No dates have yet been set to hear the BC Carpenters application.

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