West Coast Solidarity Meetings For UAW "Freightliner Five"
West Coast Solidarity Meetings For "Freightliner Five"
San Francisco:
Saturday, Feb 23, 2008 3:00 PM
At: ILWU Local 34
801-2nd St., at Embarcadero next to the ballpark San Francisco
Sunday February 24, 2008 10:00 AM
Transport Workers Solidarity Committee Breakfast With Franklin Torrence & Allen Bradley
International Maritime Center near Port View Park
4001 7th St. Oakland next to Berth 40 in the Port Of Oakland
Oakland, California
Los Angeles:
Tuesday Feb. 26, 2008 7:00 PM
United Teachers Los Angeles UTLA building
Room 815
3303 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles
Info: 310-404-1738
Wednesday ., Feb 27, 2008 7:00 PM
Seattle Labor Temple Hall 90
2800 1st Ave. Near Broad St.
Info: 206-931-2922
Thursday, February 28, 2008 7:00 PM
Location To Be Announced
Solidarity Rally For UAW 3520 "Freightliner Five" Fired Workers
In April 2007, UAW 3520 workers at the Cleveland, North Carolina Freightliner truck plant went on strike over health and safety and other conditions and benefits. In retaliation, the Daimler Benz owned company fired 5 strike leaders. They are known as the Freightliner Five and have been fighting for their jobs back for nearly a year. This struggle is not just about the Freightliner workers but union organizing throughout the South.
If Freightliner can get away with this illegal firing, other workers will think twice about joining a union. Allen Bradley and Franklin Torrence, two of the Freightliner fired workers will be speaking about their struggle at this meeting and will also be meeting with other workers on the West Coast.
Saturday, Feb 23, 2008 3:00 PM
At: ILWU Local 34
801-2nd St., at Embarcadero next to the ballpark, San Francisco
Initial Speakers For Meeting:
Alan Bradley, Fired UAW Vice Chair Bargaining Committee & Skilled Trades Chair
Franklin Torrence, Fired UAW 3520 Civil Rights Chair and Executive Committee, President Of North Carolina Coalition Of Black Trade Unionists CBTU
Jack Heyman, Executive Board ILWU Local 10* Chair, Transport Workers Solidarity Committee TWSC
Jack Rasmus, 'Co-Chair, No. California Chapter, National Writers Union, UAW 1981, and former National 1st Vice President'.*
Gloria La Riva, Pres. NC MWU-CWA 39521*
* for identification only
Please come to this support meeting and learn directly about their struggle
This effort has been recently endorsed by San Francisco Labor Council, AFSCME 2428, UBC 713, UESF Executive Board, Ken Riley, president of ILA 1422 in Charleston, South Carolina, Donna Dewitt, president of the South Carolina AFL-CIO, Labor Video Project, Transport Workers Solidarity Committee, Labor Action Coalition, Peace and Freedom Party-San Francisco, Facts For Working People, Cynthia McKinney, former congress woman, International Socialist Organization, Workers International League, Joseph Prisco, president of AMFA Local 9* , Richard Mellor Former 2nd VP AFSCME Local 444*, Roger Martinez, Former 1st VP AFSCME Local 444*, Rob Rooke, Former Recording Secretary Carps Local 713* (* for identification only)
To support these fired workers, you can also send checks payable to:
Justice 4 Five Solidarity Fund, P.O. Box 5144, Statesville, N.C. 28687.
N. California Freightliner Five Support Committee
For information and if you would like your union or organization to endorse call: (415)282-1908
'Cleveland Five' fight for their jobs
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