Department of Justice Adds Two Indictments to Ongoing Teamster Saga
March 11, 2008
Contact: Richard Berg, 773-254-7460 ext 8019
ON MARCH 6TH the U.S. Attorney handed down a 14 count indictment against former Local 743 Presidents, Robert Walston and Richard Lopez, and former Teamsters Local 743 employees Cassandra Davis Mosley, David Rodriguez, and Thaddeus "Teddie" Bania.
Robert Walston joins his immediate successor Richard Lopez in indictment for participation in a criminal conspiracy to rob hundreds of Teamsters members of their right to vote in two elections, one occurring in October 2004 and the other in December 2004. Several of the indictments focus on the second rerun election which was called when it was evident that reform candidate Richard Berg and the 743 New Leadership Slate would win. Berg and the New Leadership Slate won the 2007 election supervised by the Department of Labor.
"I got the news when Richard Berg was taking questions at a union meeting from Blue Cross/Blue Shield workers about if Walston was going to jail" said current 743 Vice President Larry S. Davis. "Richard said, 'I'm not sure, but probably soon.' This is definitely on the minds of the membership."
The charge further states that Walston and Lopez shall forfeit "approximately $2,364,533 in authorized salary, expenses and benefits…for the period of January 2005 to December 2007."
"That chapter of Teamsters 743 is almost over and a new one is beginning" said current 743 President Richard Berg. "We will move forward with the task of making this a real union again. Members can now participate freely."
--J Burger
Union Representative
Teamsters Local 743
773.254.8532 P
773.254.7111 F
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