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SEIU UHW Rally To Protest Possible Stern Take-over
Date 08/09/02/17:41

Special SMART Activist Alert!

Saturday September 6, 2008 Rally In Solidarity With UHW West Members

Many of you know that UHW is speaking out for union democracy and against the misuse of union dues within SEIU as recently reported in the Los Angeles and New York Times.

Now SEIU International President Andy Stern, Secretary-Treasurer Anna Burger and their staffers in Washington D.C. are attempting to silence UHW's voice.

Yesterday (August 25, 2008) UHW received notice from Stern that he intended to hold a hearing on September 22-23 to determine whether to put UHW into trusteeship—meaning that control of the local union would be taken away from UHW elected leaders and members and placed in the hands of a D.C. insider named by and accountable only to Stern.

Andy Stern's desperate move is nothing more than an attempt to silence UHW's dissent and divert attention away from the growing scandal in Los Angeles, Michigan and D.C. of leaders Stern and Burger appointed to office.

This call for a hearing is Stern's retaliation against UHW for exposing his corrupt practices.

It's time to hold Stern, Burger and other top D.C. leaders accountable. This act of desperation makes it clear SEIU members need an independent agency investigating Stern and Burger and their appointed leaders.

This is a fight that SEIU is forcing upon UHW and all who believe in union democracy should rise to the challenge and stand up to protect rank and file members' rights. Please know that UHW has made clear that their local will never give in to threats and intimidation from Stern and his cronies when they try and force the local to sacrifice the core principal of union democracy.


On Saturday September 6, 2008 join thousands of UHW and SMART members for a rally in San Jose!

Meet at: 11 a.m.

Location: San Jose McEnery Convention Center
150 West San Carlos St.
San Jose, CA 95113

E-mail SMART to sign up for the rally and to get more information at:

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