Thousands of SEIU UHW Rally In San Mateo, CA To Protest Threatened Trusteeship
Labornet Special 9/27/2008
On September 27, 2008 over 6,000 SEIU UHW healthcare workers and their supporters rallied from throughout the state of California in San Mateo to protest the trial and hearing by the SEIU Stern grouping to put their 150,000 membership in a trusteeship. President Stern hired former Democratic Party Labor Secretary Ray Marshal to chair the hearing. He was already on staff as a consultant. The workers demanded that Stern be put on trial for corruption and reported that as a result of the SEIU International intervention, hospital bosses are firing stewards and other leaders in order to purge the union of activists. Many hospital chains are also refusing to negotiate and are waiting for the SEIU to put the local in trusteeship so they can cut deals with the Stern administration. The union is preparing a statewide strike action of those healthcare facilities without contracts in the next few weeks.
An educational program set up by SEIU UHW called a teach-in was held to report on the battle with their international. This is one of the largest rank and file mobilizations in US labor history against business unionism and for union democracy. The SEIU UHW also streamed labor video programs called "Making It Real" which can be found at www.seiuvoice.org..

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