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SEIU Andy Stern's Phony Election Sham To Destroy SEIU UHW
Source United Health Care Workers-West
Date 08/11/21/11:31


If you haven't already, you will be receiving a phony ballot in the mail about a sham election being held by SEIU, our national union.

We strongly urge you to throw out the ballot and boycott the vote.

The ballot that SEIU and SEIU President Andy Stern are sending UHW members is a total fraud and presents two bad choices:

(1) Option one would allow SEIU to force 65,000 homecare and nursing home workers out of UHW into a statewide long term care union with leaders appointed by Stern;

(2) Option two would allow SEIU to eliminate UHW forever by creating a "new" statewide healthcare workers union with leaders appointed by Stern.

Either of these options would mean the end of UHW as we know it.

Both options would give Andy Stern - not UHW members - the ability to choose our leaders, rather than allow members to make our own decision about who our officers should be.

Given this false choice, we are asking all UHW members to boycott this sham election.

This sham election is just the latest, desperate step in SEIU and Stern's campaign of retaliation against UHW members for speaking out for democracy and reform in SEIU. Just this past Saturday, the final phase of our trusteeship hearings in San Jose concluded and we successfully demonstrated that there are absolutely no grounds for SEIU taking over our union. Like the trusteeship effort, this phony vote is motivated by Stern's desire to silence UHW members and centralize decision-making power in Washington D.C.

Please visit for frequent updates and also to see photos and video from the rallies and trusteeship hearing last week. Also please look out for a mailer from our union, UHW, which will include cards you can mail in to protest this sham election.

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