Commemoration Of 1919 Seattle General Strike
Commemoration Of 1919 Seattle General Strike
Saturday, February 7:
Celebrating the 90th Anniversary of the 1919 Seattle General Strike
Location: Seattle Labor Temple, 2800 1st Ave, downtown Seattle
Time: 1pm - 5pm
JOIN the Bridges Center as we commemorate the 90th anniversary of Seattle's General Strike with an afternoon of music, historical presentations, and much more!
* Scholar Howard Kimeldorf on the historical legacies of the I.W.W. and workers control
* Historian Robert Cherny on the lost history of the Seattle Commune
* The Seattle Labor Chorus and Rob Rosenthal performing adaptations of "Strike!," a musical re-telling of the Seattle General Strike
* More to be announced!
More information forthcoming. Co-sponsored by the Pacific Northwest Labor History Association and Harry Bridges Center For Labor Studies.
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