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SEIU International Wins NLRB Ruling
Source Date 09/04/09/18:52
SEIU International Wins NLRB Ruling That Prevents CA Kaiser Workers From Getting New Representation Through NUHW Until Sep 2010From: info@seiu-uhw.orgSubject: SEIU UHW Members at Kaiser win, NUHW Shut Out
Dear SEIU UHW Brothers and Sisters,
We are very excited to be writing this email.We just got word that yesterday afternoon, the National Labor Relations Board officially dismissed a petition from NUHW seeking to decertify SEIU UHW as the union representing more than 45,000 caregivers at Kaiser Permanente facilities stating that "the Feb 26 petitions were clearly filed outside the appropriate window period and after the local and national agreements were reaffirmed for an additional two years, I find that a contract bar exists to the processing of these petitions."
To Read the Complete Ruling, Click Here
The ruling protects our contracts, wages and benefits and ends any other organization's hopes of invalidating the contract we won and ratified in 2005 and 2008. Last month, the NLRB threw out a similar petition at Catholic Healthcare West.
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Now SEIU UHW members at Kaiser can get back to business, and focus on winning a great contract in 2010.
In solidarity,
Verna Hampton, Kaiser West Los Angeles
Diane Barton, Kaiser Santa Clara[View the list]