(415)867-0628 P.O. Box 720027, San Francisco CA 94172
Downey Kaiser Hospital complex has been built on one of the most toxic sites in the Los Angeles area and hundreds of workers have been sickened as a a result of the failure of the developer Stuart Lichter to properly clean up the site and also the failure of Federal and state regulatory agencies to properly regulate health and safety protection along with enforcing fraud violations because of workers comp cost shifting by the developer and companies. Join with injured workers from the Downey site and throughout Southern California who will speak out at a press conference on Sunday April 19, 2009 at the Kaiser Downey Hospital which is located at 9449 E Imperial Hwy Downey, CA 90242. Following the press conference in front of the hospital there will be a speak-out of injured workers from the Downey site and other Los Angeles injured workers and their families. Speakers will include injured IATSE Local 44 member Leonard Martin, injured Kaiser worker Gail Shephard
http://downey.kaiserpapers.info/cdcniosh/gail.html, injured nurse practioner Barb Clark
http://www.barbclark.org and others.
The collapse of Cal-OHSA with the removal of all medical doctors for California's 17 million workers along with the insurance industry's deregulation of workers compensation system has created a calamitous condition for workers and their families in California.
The California Coalition For Workers Memorial Day has been organizing annual speak-outs for injured workers and their families in California and has also fought against the corruption of workers compensation system and the elimination of protection of health and safety on the job for workers in California.
http://www.workersmemorialday.org More Information
Call 562-863-3097/415-867-0628