Injured Workers Speakout On Workers Memorial Day At Downey Kaiser Hospital on the Toxic Dump
ON April 19, 2009 INJURED workers in Southern California joined together in front of the Kaiser Downey medical center which is located at the Downey Toxic Dump to speak out about workers killed and injured on the job. SEIU hospital workers and movie workers from IATSE and the Laborers have been injured at the site and some of the workers who have gone public about the toxic dangers at the sight have been sued by the develper Stuart Lichter. Lichter who used to work for the Federal government General Services Administration has control of former government toxic sites throughout the United States and has sued others who claimed that the sites were not being properly cleaned up and people were getting sick.
The workers called for an end to the travesty where injured workers have to negotiate with lawyers for healthcare settlements and are forced to go to company doctors who do not take care of them but only provide insurance company ratings of what is wrong with them.
Injured IATSE Local 44 member Leonard Martin also show workers a quick deed on the property that specified that there shall be no "school for children, playground for children, hospital or convalescent or nursing home for the care of medical patients or retirees.
One of the seiously injured SEIU UHW workers Gail Shephard not only has poisoning in her body from the toxics but her daughter recently passed away from some of the same toxics that she has had in her body. These workers have also have contacted Senator's Boxer and Feinstein and Congressman Henry Waxman to investigate the toxic site and help the injured workers but have received no responses.
There will be continuing activities in Southern California to highlight the state of Cal-Osha and the affects of these toxic sites as well as the catastrophic costs of the deregulation of workers compensation by Governor Schwarzenegger and the Democrats and Republicans under SB 899. Permanent disability payments have been cut by 50% for injured workers and many are being forced onto SSI and other local and state agencies to get their medical care in a massive cost shifting scam.
For more information you can go to
IATSE 44 Member Leonard Martin points out languge in deed limiting use of toxic land
Workers Speak Out On Workers Memorial Day At Downey Kaiser Hospital
SEIU Kaiser injured worker Gail Shephard in Front of Kaiser Downey
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