Solidarity Rally For ATU 1555 BART Worker and CA Public Workers
Defend ATU 1555 BART Transit Workers And All Public Workers
Stop the Concessions and Union Busting Now
ATU 1555 Transit Workers are under a massive corporate attack blaming them for any strike and charging them with making greedy demands. The call by BART bosses for the public to confront ATU 1555 members individually has resulted in BART workers facing being shot at by BBs and verbally harassed and attacked on the job by people who are buying this propaganda. This anti-labor hysteria is not only aimed against the ATU 1555 BART workers but all public workers in California. This has been orchestrated by BART General Manager Dorothy Dugger who made $452,453 last year and the anti-labor BART board of directors who voted unanimously to impose an union busting contract on ATU 1555. The governor as well is attacking SEIU 1000 state workers with imposed furloughs and is now aiming to destroy the public pensions of all those in the State Pension plans in California. In the bay area Richmond United Teachers face possible strike action along with the Oakland Education Association and many other workers in Northern California.
All transportation and public workers need to come together to back each other up and unite in action the 1.5 million public workers in California. The working people of California can no longer afford to have public workers pitted against other workers and to fight in isolation against these assaults.
Join us and bring your brothers and sisters to hear from
ATU 1555 Workers about the real issues in their struggle
OEA President Betty Olson-Jones
AFSCME 444 Chief Shop Steward Charles Smith
ILWU Local 10 Executive Board Member Jack Heyman
UTR United Teachers Of Richmond member and Progressive Teachers Caucus leader Diane Brown
ATU 192 AC Members of Transit Workers Action Caucus (TWAC)
Tuesday August 25th 7:00 PM
Alameda Labor Temple
8400 Enterprise St/Hegenberger
Sponsored by AFSCME 444, Transport Workers Solidarity Committee TWSC www.transportworkers.org, United Public Workers For Action www.upwa.info
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