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Iraqi Trade Unionists Speak Out At AFL-CIO Convention
Date 09/09/22/10:51

Iraqi Trade Unionists Speak Out At USWA Reception During 2009 AFL-CIO Convention. Iraqi trade unionists participated in a panel of Middle Eastern unionists at a reception held at the USWA during the 2009 Pittsburgh AFL-CIO convention. The panel was held on 9/16/2009 at the headquarters of the USWA. The trade unionists from Iraq who spoke were Falah Alwan, President of Federation Of Workers Councils and Unions in Iraq and Rasim Hussain Abdullah Al-Awady (“Rasim Awadi”). President General Federation of Iraqi Workers (GFIW)
Labor Video Project P.O. Box 720027, San Francisco, CA 94172 (415)282-1908

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