Int'l Day Of Action To Defend Anti-War Japanese Teachers
International Day Of Action To Defend Anti-War Japanese Teachers
All Out On Friday October 5, 2007
Stop Firings and Repression Of
Japanese Teachers Who Oppose War
OVER 1700 JAPANESE TEACHERS HAVE been punished and harassed for refusing
to sing nationalist pro-war songs during graduation ceremonies throughout
Japan's schools. In Tokyo alone, 388 teachers were subject to heavy
punishment after 2004.
The effort to censor education books about the war crimes of Japan imperial
government is part and parcel of the effort to remililtarize the schools
and eliminate Article 9 of the Japanese constitution which prohibits war.
October 5 is celebrated internationally every year as World Teachers Day to
defend teachers and oppose attacks on education and teachers. On this
October 5, 2007, there will be delegations of teachers and community
activists from around the world who will go to Japanese consulates and
embassies to call for an end to the repression against Japanese anti-war
teachers, against censoring Japanese school books and also against changing
Article 9 of the Japanese constitution which prohibits war.
The US government has also played a key role in encouraging Japan to send
it's troops to the Middle East and also many US politicians go to Japan and
urge it to militarize and ignore Article 9. In fact, former Japanese prime
minister Nakasone who also privatized the railroads in order to break the
militant rail unions in Japan said he wanted Japan to be a "aircraft
carrier" for the United States.
The Tokyo Metropolitan Board of Education under pressure from the racist and
nationalist Tokyo governor Ishihara has moved toward firing teachers Ms
NEZU Kimiko and Ms KAWARAI Junko for their anti-war activity unless people
around the world stand up to this repression. This repression and
militarization is a threat to all people of the world and we urge educators,
unionists, people from all communities and anti-war activists to join us on
October 5, 2007.
San Francisco Picket and Delegation To Japanese Consulate
Friday October 5, 2007 4:00 PM
50 Fremont St/Mission San Francisco
For information or to endorse please contact
Committee To Defend Japanese Anti-War Teachers (415)867-0628
Endorsed by AFT2121, San Franciso Labor Council, Doro-Chiba, Transport
Workers Solidarity Committee, Bob Mandel Member OEA Executive Board, Labor
Video Project,Bay Area Labor Committee For Peace&Justice, Koreans Americans
United For Peace KAUP, Rape of Nanking Redress Coalition
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