SF Forum Union Busting And Privatization
Union Busting And Privatization
From Wisconsin To California & SF
Who Is Doing It, What It Means And How To Stop It!
A Public Meeting Meeting/Forum
Thursday March 10, 2011 6:30 PM
522 Valencia St/16th St. San Francisco
Donation Requested
George Wright, AFT 1493 Professor Skyline College
Dorian Maxwell, TWU 250A SF Muni Driver-Retaliated For fighting for health and safety and for opposing concessions
Charles Rachlis, CAPS CA Department Of Public Health
Maria Hall, Radio Journalist
SF City Workers and SFSU Students
A frontal assault is taking place against all public workers, public services and education. It is not just in Wisconsin and the midwest but throughout the country. Now is the time To fight back and use the power of the working class and students. As working people and the youth in Egypt and throughout the Middle East are standing up and it is time now for the working people in the US to stand up and fight.
At the San Francisco Labor Council on February 28, 2011 an amendment endorsing a general strike if called for by Wisconsin unions was proposed to a resolution for solidarity with Wisconsin workers and against concessions. The amendment called for endorsement and organization in SF for a General Strike if the unions of Wisconsin call for such actions. This was defeated after some delegates said it might not pass the California AFL-CIO and the National AFL-CIO and it might violate Taft-Hartley.
The amendment was defeated but the need for a general strike against the union busters in Wisconsin and here is California is growing. The ideology of “share the pain” which is pushed by Obama, Jerry Brown and our union officials must be opposed. There are 18 billionaires in SF alone and 84 in California. We need to demand that they pay for this crisis. Join us to discuss the cause of this crisis and how to fight back and win.
SF City Workers United sfcityworkersunited(at)gmail.com
United Public Workers For Action www.upwa.info
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