SF General Hospital Rally And Press Conference
Stop Scapegoating San Francisco Public Workers UC Workers And Retirees
NO On the Anti-Labor Pension Initiatives
There Is NO "Consensus" Deal On These Initiatives
Let SF City Workers Vote On These "Deals"
Rally and Press Conference
Make San Francisco's 24 Billionaires Pay For This Crisis
12:00 Noon Rally
1:00 PM Press Conference
Monday August 2, 2011
In front of Emergency Entrance San Francisco General Hospital
Near 23rd St & San Bruno Ave.
San Francisco
San Francisco City and County Workers and Public Worker Retirees
will be rallying and speaking out to oppose the two anti-labor
ballot propositions that would attack the conditions and benefits
of public workers and retirees.
It would end their power on the Healthcare Commission to limit
the escalating cost of healthcare for retirees. It would allow
the City Of San Francisco to cut the real benefits to retirees
and eliminate the COLA to help retirees deal with inflation.
City workers and public workers will also be demanding that the
rank and file be allowed to vote on whether or not our unions
should endorse these give-back concessions. This will affect
tens of thousands workers and workers in the future and we need
a democratic vote on these initiatives in all unions before the
officials support these give-backs.
Instead of making the 24 billionaires and multi-millionaires pay
for this crisis, the Board of Supervisors and Mayor Ed Lee are
attacking the conditions and benefits of tens of thousands of
public workers and retirees. This is Wisconsin in San Francisco!
Mayor Ed Lee has said that 99.5% of city workers support his deal
but apparently he has not talked to any city workers who do the
work. He also refused to even meet personally with SEIU 1021 and
union officials excluded all representatives from the retirees
to participate in negotiations. This is one of the wealthiest
cities in the world yet the politicians are telling public workers
that the wealthy should not pay more.
Endorsed by SEIU 1021 West Bay Retiree Chapter
United Public Workers For Action UPWA
SF City Workers United
United Public Workers For Action
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