CA Federation of Labor Endorses October 27 Demonstrations
Resolution on Fall Anti-War Activities
Approved by the California Federation of Labor Executive Council, October 25, 2007
Whereas, the California Labor Federation has expressed its opposition to the ongoing funding of the war in Iraq; and
Whereas, this conflict continues unabated, and over 3,700 US troops and hundreds of thousands of Iraqi civilians have lost their lives, and countless others have been wounded, and
Whereas, the lives of countless Iraqi families and individuals have been disrupted by the war and disease, fear, hunger, unemployment and violence and threats of violence are widespread, and
Whereas, the costs of the war, both in its operation and expected costs in healthcare and benefits for returning troops is projected to be over $1 trillion, while other pressing human needs at home such as healthcare, education, housing, and disaster recovery (such as Hurricane Katrina) are neglected and under funded, and
Whereas, major labor leaders have recently condemned the actions of the Iraqi Oil Minister in declaring public trade unions illegal, adding to the attacks on workers in that country, and
Whereas, President Bush and the Congress continue to fund the war despite the fact that over 60% of the American public feels we should bring our troops home from Iraq, and
Whereas, several national, regional, and local organizations are calling for a variety of anti-war campaigns, educational programs, and mobilization efforts this fall, designed to put more pressure on the administration to end these conflicts;
Therefore, be it resolved that the California Labor Federation continue its call for the withdrawal of troops from Iraq, and
Be it resolved that the California Labor Federation express its solidarity with those Iraqi people who struggle for freedom, economic justice, peace, and the basic necessities of life, and
Be it resolved that the California Labor Federation advocate on behalf of the Iraqi people for the United States to meet its moral and economic responsibilities owed to the Iraqi people for the ravages of the Iraq war, and
Be it resolved that the California Labor Federation promote and endorse anti-war activities, such as the October 27th national, regional and local mobilizations, and
Be it resolved that the California Labor Federation encourage its affiliates and members to participate in the Iraq Moratorium on the third Friday of each month by taking actions including organizing programs in their workplaces or union halls, wearing armbands, and other forms of participation to end the war, and
Be it finally resolved that the California Labor Federation will publish this resolution and circulate it to its affiliates through its various communication vehicles, urging them to adopt similar motions.
Submitted for consideration by the California Federation of Teachers
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