APC at the 2015 IGF: Events hosted and co-organised by APC and the IGF Forum
APC at the 2015 IGF: Events hosted and co-organised by APC
Date and time: Nov 9 2015 - Nov 13 2015
Country: Brazil
Programmes: Communications and Information Policy Programme (CIPP)
Women's Rights Programme (WRP)
apc_events: APC
PRE-EVENTS – 8 November 2015
Best Bits Pre-event
Organised by Best Bits, this meeting offers participants the opportunity to review the internet governance landscape, and to dive deep into a few selected key areas. Participants at the Best Bits 2015 meeting will share knowledge of recent developments, broaden their understanding of existing initiatives in this space, and collaborate on the development of shared principles and strategies to advance the use of transparent, participatory processes in the development of internet policies.
09:00 – 18:00 | Xênius Hotel, Av. Cabo Branco
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PRE-EVENTS – 9 November 2015
Collaborative Leadership Exchange
09:00 – 18:00 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 1
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Latin America in a Glimpse
Organised by Derechos Digitales in collaboration with APC, this meeting aims to share perspectives on the status of internet rights in Latin American countries with a group of diverse stakeholders.
08:30 – 12:30 | Nord Luxxor Skyler Hotel
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Gender and the Internet
At the intersection of gender and the internet, the way forward is to bring women’s rights and internet rights activists together with stakeholders from government, the private sector and technical communities. Organised by APC’s Women’s Rights Programme, this IGF pre-event aims to increase internet governance stakeholders’ awareness of sexual rights, queer rights and women’s rights in order to increase collaboration and to develop a roadmap for moving ahead.
10:00 – 12:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 4
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WSIS+10 Pre-event
Organised by APC, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, and the Internet Democracy Project, this half-day event seeks to bring together representatives from all stakeholder groups to have an open yet focused discussion about where the preparations for the World Summit on the Information Society 10-year review (WSIS+10) stand at this point in time from the perspective of the most vulnerable people of this world. It will question whether the review is moving forward in a way that will help us come closer to the WSISgoal of a “people-centred, development-oriented, inclusive information society”.
14:00 – 18:00 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 3
DAY 1 – 10 November 2015
Workshop: Spectrum allocation: Challenges and opportunities at the edge
Organised by APC, Instituto Nupef and the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee (CGI.br), this workshop will look at the recent developments in radio technologies and the upcoming (or already present) transition to digital television and how they open up significant opportunities for local governments, local entrepreneurs and communities to create innovative applications. The workshop will be held as a roundtable examining key issues of spectrum allocation.
11:00 – 12:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 1
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Workshop: Promoting local actions to secure internet rights
Organised by APC, this workshop aims to take a critical approach, through a roundtable that will discuss whether global efforts and campaigns are actually making local actions more difficult or if they can effectively empower and support local communities in advancing internet rights. It will address internet governance and human rights discussion from a grassroots perspective, while sharing experiences from local organisations in a global setting.
09:00 – 10:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 3
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Workshop: Freedom of expression online: Gaps in policy and practice
While there is now global consensus that the right to freedom of expression applies in the digital environment, there is less clarity on how this applies in practice. In an effort to take a consistent approach to measuring freedom of expression online, APC has developed indicators based on UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression Frank La Rue’s groundbreaking 2011 report. The goal of this roundtable organised by Digital Empowerment Foundation with APC, Bytes for All and Derechos Digitales, is both to critically assess experiences applying the APC-La Rue indicators and to identify trends and areas for further research.
09:00 – 10:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 4
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DAY 2 – 11 November 2015
Open Forum
Organised by APC, the forum will focus on the 25th anniversary of APC and its role in and contribution to internet governance.
09:00 – 10:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 9
Workshop: Unlocking the internet economy through copyright reform
Digital technologies and the internet have changed the way we experience, engage with and extract value from information goods. This workshop organised by APC, IFLA, Public Knowledge, University of São Paulo and FEBAB seeks to reflect on current understandings of whether copyright can contribute or not to innovation delivering economic value.
11:00 – 12:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 7
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Workshop: Can civil society impact global internet governance?
11:00 – 12:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 10
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Workshop: The Global “Public Interest” in Critical Internet Resources
Organised by APC, ISOC, ICANN, Afilias and others, the workshop will be a roundtable exploring questions about what is meant by public interest and how it relates to internet governance and critical internet resources.
14:00 – 15:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 1
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DAY 3 – 12 November 2015
Workshop: How Can Internet Policy Making Support LGBT Rights?
The internet is a crucial tool and significant space for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) movements across the world to connect, mobilise and advocate for social justice. Yet LGBT activists face a number of challenges when working online. Participants in this workshop organised by APC will discuss the impact of internet policy making on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) rights. Discussion will lead to specific recommendations being made for supporting LGBT rights at government, technical, corporate and civil society levels.
11:00 – 12:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 4
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Workshop: Blasphemy policies: Consequences for the digital world
The extension to the digital realm of blasphemy laws that criminalise expression deemed blasphemous or defamatory of religion is becoming an increasingly important concern. This workshop seeks to build on the Asia Regional Conference on Freedom of Expression, Opinion and Religious Freedoms (June 2015) to generate discussion on the impact of blasphemy laws on the governance and practice of freedom of expression online. This workshop organised by Bytes for All and APC will bring together experts from around the world to see how this issue manifests in different regions and what internet governance frameworks can be employed to tackle the issue.
16:00 – 17:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 1
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Launch of the 2015 Global Information Society Watch
This edition of GISWatch presents stories from around the world on how the politics of sex and sexual rights activism take place online. The timing of this publication is critical, as many across the globe are denied their sexual rights, some facing direct persecution for their sexuality. The report covers 57 countries with eight thematic reports.
12:30 – 14:00 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 3
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APC Annual Party and 25th Anniversary Celebration
19:30 | Bessa Grill
DAY 4 – 13 November 2015
Workshop: IGF beyond 2015: Extend mandate, strengthen institution
Organised by ISOC, APC, the Government of Mexico and ICC BASIS, the workshop will be a roundtable discussing issues on the importance of the IGF and its role in enhancing multistakeholderism. Following this, there will be a discussion on the WSIS review.
09:00 – 10:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 3
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Main Session: Human Rights on the Internet
The Human Rights Main Session, co-coordinated by APC as part of the MAG, aims to create a space to discuss key issues and questions that emerge from workshop sessions focused on human rights as well as new questions and topics raised in this public consultation. The main areas are organised based on workshop submissions under the thematic area of human rights.
11:00 – 13:00 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Meeting Hall
Session: Community Networks: A Revolutionary Paradigm
Organised by APC, OpenIXP Indonesia, ISOC, Center for Technology & Society at Fundaçao Getulio Vargas and the Berkman Center for Internet and Society, this session will analyse the challenges and opportunities that community networks present regarding internet access, social organisation and non-discriminatory internetworking. This workshop will aim at identifying best practices for community network management and distilling core policy elements aimed at fostering the development of community networks.
14:00 – 15:30 | Poeta Ronaldo Cunha Lima Conference Center, Room 6
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IGF 2015 Main Sessions
10th Internet Governance Forum: Main Session Programme Notes
Note - 3 November: Names of speakers and panelists are provisional.
Title: Ten-Year Review of the World Summit on the Information Society: Developing Messages from the IGF Community
IGF Day 1 - 10 November 2015 - 9:00-12:30
Brief Description/Objective:
According to agreed processes at the United Nations General Assembly, the World Summit on the Information Society implementation will experience a ten year review. Alongside the broader assessment of progress toward achieving an Information Society for all, since the conclusion of the two phase World Summit on the Information Society [WSIS], in Tunis, 2015, other questions such as the achievements of the IGF, its extension, and how enhanced cooperation, inclusion of women and youth, affordability of access to ICTs and the Internet, multilingual access and content, incorporation of multi stakeholder engagement and participation from developing countries, emerging economies, and least developed countries in Internet governance and WSIS processes contribute to the review of the overall WSIS. As is usual in a ten year review of a World Summit, the WSIS+10 process also looks forward to the post 2015 WSIS +SDGs environment. While the considerations of the role of the IGF, and its extension and evolution are incorporated into the WSIS+10 Review, the overall review is much broader, and inclusive of issues and questions that affect the much broader Internet governance ecosystem.
Convening in Brazil, the IGF 2015 brings together the most diverse, inclusive and multi stakeholder community, on an equal footing, to address critical Internet governance policy issues and approaches The WSIS+10 session at the IGF 2015 will take advantage of this unique and geo diverse multi stakeholder convening to examine the “Zero draft” prepared by UNGA resources, and under debate and consideration by UNGA, and provide an interactive consultation, in a real time setting, on the key themes and issues identified in the Zero Draft. As an output from the interactive “town hall” consultation, a summarized report, and a real time transcript will be provided, along with an invitation to the participants in the interactive session to include summary messages in the further considerations for the second draft of the Draft negotiating documents for the High Level meeting of the General Assembly on WSIS +10 Review [scheduled for December 15-16, 2015.]
Invitations are extended to the Co Facilitators and UNGA PGA office to attend the IGF 2015, and interact with the diverse multi stakeholder community.
The session will consist of three parts:
• Part 1: Setting the scene. This part of the session would provide an overview of what WSIS+10 is, its scope and implications for the broader post 2015 WSIS environment and activities, including IGF extension and IGF evolution. In this part of the session, UNGA Co-facilitators and PGA Office would be invited to make statements regarding the preparatory process.
• Part 2: Developing messages from the IGF community. In this part of the session, IGF stakeholders would be invited to share their views on the WSIS+10 with the aim to develop messages from the IGF community as input into the NY process. The basis for the interaction would be the WSIS+10 Review Zero Draft.
The session will model its comment process after the NETmundial organization of microphones - inputs would rotate across 5 microphones, with 4 dedicated to each IGF stakeholder community, and one microphone reserved for remote participants.
• Part 3: Summary of key messages to be conveyed into the the formal preparatory process.
09:00 - 09:15
PART 1: Setting the scene/ Info sharing
Host Chair + MAG Chair
09:15 - 09:45
09:45 - 12:10
PART 2: Developing messages from the IGF community
Interactive open mike interaction based on Zero Draft
IGF community
12:10 - 12:30
PART 3: Recap of key messages
Policy Questions
The policy questions in this session will be drawn from the WSIS+10 High Level Event Zero Draft. The specific questions would be developed and communicated to the IGF community in advance and posted on the IGF website.
A selected group of additional background documents is being gathered by the organisers and the Secretariat.
Host Country Chair: Mr. Andre Figueiredo, Minister of Communications of Brazil
The session would be supported by designated moderators. Part 2 of the session will be modeled after the NETmundial consultation process. The moderators would be in charge of time management, and ensuring balanced rotation across stakeholder groups and remote participants.
Assigned rapporteurs will work in conjunction with a Secretariat-provided resource to synthesise the session messages.
The format and content of this session do not lend itself to a traditional panel approach.
The session will model its comment process after the NETmundial organization of microphones to include broad and inclusive comments, using an organized document to guide time allocation of issues, and rotating across stakeholder groups to maximize diversity of opportunities to listen to views from stakeholders.
Participation by the UN WSIS Co-Facilitators has been confirmed. The session agenda takes into account their attendance.
Remote moderator/Plan for online interaction:
Remote participation will be accommodated through providing a dedicated remote moderator, who will take questions by tweet and by email.
The co-moderators of the session will be invited to acknowledge the Remote Comments in rotation with comments from within the room, to the greatest extent possible. The rapporteurs and Secretariat support will also follow the remote contributions.
‘Feeder’ workshops (if applicable) and/or connections with other sessions:
As most of the sessions and plenaries at the IGF 2015 are of impact to the WSIS+10 Review, this session - as the first main session on Day 1, will offer valuable input to the rest of the IGF program.
Desired results/output:
Messages from the IGF community to be conveyed into the the formal WSIS+10 Review preparatory process.
Title: Setting the Scene: Deconstructing the Main theme and sub themes of the IGF 2015
IGF Day 1: 10 November 2015 from 2pm- 3pm
This year the main theme of the IGF aligns with global goals of promoting sustainable development through the Internet after deliberation and consensus was chosen as: “Evolution of Internet Governance: Empowering Sustainable Development” as the overarching theme. This theme will be supported by eight sub-themes that will frame the discussion for this main session at João Pessoa:
The goal of this session is therefore set the stage for the IGF with a panel that frames each of IGF2015's sub-themes by highlighting related topical issues as well as provide participants with a high level bird’s eye view about how these sub-themes will be addressed during the rest of the IGF. This session hopes to deconstruct the key policy issues around each sub theme wherever applicable. Duration: 1hour with about half of this time dedicated to discussion. Format: A moderated panel made up of speakers with expertise on the sub-themes complemented by organisers or panelists of other main sessions. Inputs will be kept short. The moderators will be assisted by people with roving mikes in the room. The session will be opened by panelists giving a 4 minute input on topical and contentious issues relevant to the sub-themes (7x4 = 28 minutes) Questions from floor and debate among speakers (30 minutes) Overview of how the subthemes will be covered at IGF2015 with a reflection on the Intersessional work this year as well and how best stakeholder engagement can be amplified through the IGF.
Title: Internet Economy and Sustainable Development
IGF Day 2 - 11 November 2015 - 9:00-12:30
Please check the paper « the internet and Sustainable Development » by Constance Bommelaer, ISOC and the article « Development Digital Divide » by Carl Bildt, Sweden former foreign minister. Please also check « Transforming our World : the 2030 agenda for sustainable development » from the UN, we have also “Ericsson & Earth Institute: Information Technology key to achieving new UN Sustainable Development Goals” as a good practice. We have from a visionary perspective “Global Trends to 2030: Can the EU meet the challenges ahead?” by European Strategy and Policy Analysis System & also “the Global Risks 2015” from the WEF.
The new post-2015 UN Development Agenda builds on the millennium development goals, eight anti- poverty targets that the world committed to achieving by 2015. While tremendous progress has been exhibited via MDGs, including the value of bringing together a diverse agenda by establishing goals and targets, there is further scope for improvement. The UN Member States are in the process of finalizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS) as a part of the new Agenda to achieve the unfinished objectives, and to do so by 2030.
The session will include discussions on the following :
· The Vision toward 2030 :
o Sustainable Development long term opportunities and challenges
· Internet Economy & Internet Role in Delivering the SDGs (Key opportunities & key Success Factors)
o Human Capital
a. Internet Entrepreneurship-
b. Equality-
c. ICT Capacity building-
o Applications
d. Right to Health, Education, timely Justice, environment protection, society engagement-
e. Access to Information-
f. Availability of Local Content Online-
g. Intellectual Property Right-
o Access and Infrastructure
Internet Availability and Affordability:
o Policy and Regulatory Support and Business eco-system
To enable Access, Applications and Content development and usage, Entrepreneurship and Capacity building.
· Aligning the next phase of IGF with the SDGs /Post 2015 UN Develpment Agenda:
o Optimizing Eco System and Multistakeholder approach
The discussions at the IGF session should reflect the importance of Internet Economy enabling policies and eco-system for the fulfillment of different SDGs.
The main session will be split into 3 main topics as per the above :
- Setting the scene (10 mins from moderator and Chairperson)
- Global Vision (30 mins followed by 15 minutes audience participation)
- Internet Role and Economy challenges and successes delivering SDGs. (60 mins followed by 15 minutes audience participation)
- How the IGF and other IG organizations/efforts might better support the SDGs; Recommendations (40 mins followed by 15 minutes audience participation, followed by 5 minutes Organizers’ summary)
Policy Questions (Suggestions):
· How do we foresee the Information society in 2030 & how it may be different that 2015?
· What are the obstacles for Internet entrepreneurship?
· What are the barriers for obtaining equality through the Internet?
· How ICT capacity building is better delivered?
· What are the best way improve health, education, timely Justice, environment protection, society engagement with the help of the Internet?
· What are the hurdles to obtaining access to meaningful information from the Internet?
· What are the barriers to increase the access for the non-connected?
· Are there best practices for the above challenges?
· What regulatory and policy issues needs to be addressed to improve the Eco-System?
· IGF post 2015, Multistakeholderism and supporting the delivery of the SDGs
• Investing in human capital: How to ensure investment in ICT oriented human capital from marginalized communities to young entrepreneurs within a healthy eco-system?
• Availability of local applications and content: In many countries technology is coming from outside and the applications and content provided might not be localized to the local need or available in local language. Problems range from integrating the local languages into the system, and updating the contents posted on websites, to customized applications catering for local needs. The lack of suitable regulation, and investments eco-system can hinder innovation in content creation and application development. What best ways to promote creation of locally relevant content and applications?
• Intellectual Property Rights: how can we raise awareness about the importance of protecting IPR for both international and local applications and content, and how can we balance between IPR policies and increased availability and affordability.
· Of the 17 SDGs, where can Internet based technologies make maximum contribution to ensure rapid achievement of objectives?
· Implementing Sustainable Development: are we identifying synergies between the SDGs and WSIS Action Lines and practical measures to support their implementation?
Host Country Chair: Mr. Henrique Faulhaber, Director and Founder of Calandra Solutions, Advisor of the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee
· Nermine Elsaadany (Under-Secretary for international Relations - MCIT, Egypt)
· Joseph Alhadeff (Chair – ICC, Digital Economy Commission & VP Oracle)
• Intergovernmental:
· Mr. Lenni Montiel; Assistant-Secretary-General for Development – United Nations;
· Mr. Gary Fowlie; Head of Member State Relations & Intergovernmental Organizations - ITU
· Ms Lydia Brito; Director of the Office in Montevideo - UNESCO
· Ms. Michele Woods; Director, Copyright Law Division - WIPO
· NAME TBD, Director, OECD
• Government: (expected 4)
· H.E. Rudiantara, Minister of Communication & Information Technology - Indonesia
· H.E. Junaid Ahmed Palak- Information and Communication Technology Minister of Bangladesh
· Ambassador Sepulveda, Deputy Assistant Secretary, U.S. Coordinator for International and Communications Policy at the U.S. Department of State - U.S.
• Private Sector (3)
· Sergio Quiroga da Cunha, Head of Latin America, Ericsson
· Jimson Olufuye, Chairman – Africa ICT Alliance (AfICTA)
· Silvia Rabello, President - Rio Film Trade Association
• Civil Society (2):
· Sunil Abraham; Executive Director, Centre for Internet and Society -Bangalore-
· Helani Galpaya; CEO LIRNEasia, an ICT policy and regulation think tank active across emerging Asia and the Pacific.
· Mrs. Sally Metwaly- Director of Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs, Misr Elkheir Foundation (possible remote participation)
• Technical Community & Academia (2):
· Jari Arkko; Chairman – IETF
· Raúl L. Katz; Adjunct Professor, Division of Finance and Economics, Columbia Institute of Tele-information
Remote moderator/Plan for online interaction:
Ø Elizabeth Thomas-Raynaud; Project Director - BASIS
Also we have two volunteering rapporteurs:
o Subi Chaturvedi; Founder & Hon. Managing Trustee - Media For Change
o Ellen Blackler; Vice president – Global Public Policy, Walt Disney Company
‘Feeder’ workshops and/or connections with other sessions:
(Workshops related to this Session take place after and thus benefit from this session)
Desired results/output:
· Identifying challenges to internet economy and ICT enabling SDGs
· Identifying best practices & successful policies enabling SDGs through Internet.
· Highlight the importance of the Internet role to sustainable development.
· Identify how IGF post 2015 would support the SDGs
Brief on Linking the session to SDGs / IGF:
Those directly relating to “Internet Economy” and “Enablement” within the 17 SDGs are:
Ø Internet Economy related:
o SDG No. 8: Good Jobs and Economic Growth (promote, sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all.)
o SDG No.9: Innovation and infrastructure (build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation)
o No.11: Sustainable Communities and Cities (Makes cities and settlements safe, resilient and sustainable)
o SDG No.17: Partnership for the Goals (Strengthen the means of communication and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development)
Ø Enablement related:
o SDG No. 4: Quality Education (ensure equitable and quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all)
o SDG No. 5: Gender Equality (Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls)
o SDG No.10: Reduce Inequalities (reduce inequality within and amongst countries)
There are several others where Internet can play a vital role:
Some thoughts on how Internet Economy & Governance serve Sustainable Development:
· Human Capital
o Internet Entrepreneurship- (lowers barriers to marketing, new ideas & innovation, stimulating demand without need for expensive assets.)
o Equality- ICT providing access to employment, income, education, health, etc. tackling longstanding challenges of inequalities (gender, religion, race etc.…)
o ICT Capacity building- from marginalized to the young entrepreneurs is crucial for creating a digital economy ecosystem enabling sustainable development.
· Applications
o Right to Health, Education, timely Justice, environment protection, society engagement- Internet Applications is used to enable swift and accurate data gathering, exchange, analysis, interaction and decision-making to all citizens.
o Access to Information- By enabling individuals to exchange information and ideas instantaneously and inexpensively at both inter & intra national levels, the Internet allows access to knowledge previously unattainable and helps users make informed decisions.
o Availability of Local Content Online- improving digital access to local content empowers education; conserve culture, heritage and languages.
o Intellectual Property Right- many challenges in developing countries related to IPR for applications and content alike.
· Access and Infrastructure
o Internet Availability and Affordability: To get the desired benefits, as listed above, access is imperative.
· Policy and Regulatory Support and Business eco-system
To enable Access, Applications and Content development and usage, Entrepreneurship and Capacity building.
Title : IGF Intersessional Work: Policy Options and Best Practices for Connecting the Next Billion
IGF Day 2 - 11 November 2015 - 2:00-5:30pm
The purpose of this main session on ‘Policy Options and Best Practices for Connecting the Next Billion’ is to bring the IGF community together in a roundtable format for an interactive and output-oriented discussion which will review the work of some of the main inter-sessional activities of 2015 including the collaborative ‘Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion’ compilation report and the six Best Practice Forum’s. The session will gather those from the community who have made great contributions to the inter-sessional work, including representatives from National and Regional IGF initiatives, and representatives from all stakeholder group’s, to identify both challenges and potential solutions for bringing the next billion global citizens online.
A report produced by the UN General Assembly Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) Working Group on Improvements to the IGF called for the development of more tangible outputs to ‘enhance the impact of the IGF on global Internet governance and policy’. To enrich the potential for IGF outputs, the IGF Multistakeholder Advisory Group (MAG) developed an intersessional programme intended to complement other IGF activities, such as national and regional IGF initiatives, dynamic coalitions, and best practice forums (BPFs). The outputs from this programme are intended to become robust resources, to serve as inputs into other pertinent forums, and to evolve and grow over time.
The topic “Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion” was chosen for the 2015 intersessional work after an earlier public consultation during the preparatory process for IGF 2015. In order to continue the valuable intersessional work, a theme for the 2016 IGF programme of activities is expected to be determined during/immediately following the next IGF in November 2015 by the global IGF community, pending the renewal of the IGF mandate by the United Nations General Assembly at the end of the year. The theme is intended to reflect topical issues and to increase support to national and regional IGF initiatives, dynamic coalitions, and BPFs.
The draft IGF 2015 Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion are available here:
Theme: Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion
Technological advancement in connectivity has expanded broadband access and mobile penetration in recent years. Three billion people were connected to the Internet by the end of 2014. In spite of the progress achieved, more effort is necessary in order to connect the next billion and to address the digital divide.
The identification of strategies to improve connectivity is timely due to the ongoing process of reviewing the outcomes of the World Summit of the Information Society (WSIS+10) and recent discussions of the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The newly adopted United Nations Sustainable Development Agenda also recognizes that ICTs are a crucial platform for the implementation of these visionary goals and the Agenda sets an ambitious goal to "significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020".
Collaboration between governmental and non-governmental actors is key to meet this challenge and the mutistakeholder nature of the IGF makes it a privileged space for discussion.
Examples of policy questions addressed throughout the preparatory process of the ‘Connecting the Next Billion’ exercise:
• How would you define the issue “Connecting the Next Billion”?
• Have you observed any regional or national specificities regarding connectivity (e.g. Internet industry development)?
• Do you know of existing policy measures, and private sector or civil society initiatives addressing connectivity? If yes, was the policy a government policy, industry policy (either collective best practice or corporate policy), technical policy, or did it pertain to civil society collaboration? Describe them.
• In your opinion, what worked well in the development of the policy, and what impediments were encountered?
• What was the experience with implementation?
• Did you experience any unintended consequences of policy developments/interventions, good and bad?
• Can you think of unresolved issues where further multistakeholder cooperation is needed?
• Did you gain any insight as a result of the experience?
• List proposed steps for further multistakeholder dialogue/actions.
Host Country Chair:
Mr. Maximiliano Martinhão, Secretary of Telecommunications, Ministry of Communications of Brazil
H.E. Benedicto Fonseca (Brazil) and Constance Bommelaer (ISOC)
Panelists and agenda:
High-Level Remarks – Lenni Montiel, UN Assistant Secretary-General for Economic Development in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs – 5 min
Welcome and Introduction – Constance Bommelaer, Senior Director, ISOC and H. E. Benedicto Fonseca, Brazil - 10 min
• The importance of strengthening the IGF
• IGF issues and the broader context: Sustainable Development Summit, WSIS+10, etc.
• Types of outcomes: Policy Options, Best Practices, methodology and post-2015 perspectives
Defining the issue – Dr. Pepper, Vice President, Global Technology Policy, Cisco 10 min
• What does Connecting the Next Billion entail?
• Why is this issue important and what are the challenges?
Policy Options for Connecting the Next Billion
• Overview of the complete findings – Brian Gutterman, Assistant Programme Manager, IGF Secretariat – 10 min
• Pointer to short synthesis
• Perspectives from the regions, i.e. regional/national IGFs - Lee Hibbard, Head of Information Society Unit, Council of Europe and Makane Faye, Chief, Knowledge Management and Library Services, UNECA (10 min)
• Call for representatives of national/regional IGF leaders and other contributors/participants to weigh in – 30 min
• from the table: Avri Doria, APC; Carolyn Nguyen, Technology Policy ad Strategy, Microsoft; Alice Siu, Stanford; Tomas Lamanauskas, Head, Corporate Strategy, ITU; Manu K. Bhardwaj US State Department, Jack Deasy, O3B Networks, Kevin Martin, VP, Public Policy, Mobile and Global Access (tbc);, etc.
IGF Best Practices and how they help Connect the Next Billion - 60 min.
• Leaders of IGF Best Practices report on outcome of their work, its importance in Connecting the Next Billion, and proposed next steps for IGF work:
• Multistakeholder mechanisms - Avri Doria, APC
• Establishing CSERTs - Julia Cornwell McKean, eSafety Commission, Australia
• Mitigating Spam - Cristine Hoepers, Internet Policy Consultant
• Enabling IPv6 - Izumi Okutani, Policy Liaison JPNIC and Susan Chalmers
• Establishing successful IXPs – Malcom Hutty, Head of Public Affairs, Lynx, and Jane Coffin, Director, ISOC
• Countering abuse against women online - Jac Kee, Wome’s Rights Policy Coordinator, APC and Subi Chatuverdi, Adjunct Faculty and DGM Corporate Communications
• Question to the audience - Which Best Practices should be developed going forward, how they would be relevant to Connect the Next Billion?
The way forward – Vint Cerf, Father of the Internet 10 min
• What are the emerging trends/challenges to Connect the Next Billion?
• How can the IGF catalyze global initiatives
• What should be the role of the IGF in tackling issues and how should its community continue to shape its outputs in a relevant and useful way?
• Q&A with the audience
Conclusion – H.E. Benedicto Fonseca, Brazil (5 min)
Remote moderator:
Raquel Gatto, Regional Policy Manager, ISOC
Feeder workshops:
· 6 Best Practices Forums
· Dynamic Coalitions
· SD Main Session
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· IGF workshops
Title: Enhancing Cybersecurity and Building Digital Trust
IGF Day 3 - 12 November - 9:00-12:30
Brief Description/Objective:
For the Internet to truly become an engine for growth and development a secure and enabling Cyberspace is an imperative. We need to:
· boost global trust, promote international stability of the internet and enhance cooperation in global internet governance
· develop safer ways to do business and transact online
· protect people from threats to the exercise of their online freedoms
· Identify, isolate and protect people from crime related activities
· Augment and complement existing G2G multilateral, intergovernmental and multistakeholder initiatives to address global and national issues
With the Internet as the foundation of the global economy, cybersecurity is increasingly becoming a critical issue in Internet governance. If inadequately addressed, these challenges will lead to a lack of resilience, with adverse impact on trust in the global digital ecosystem and sustainable economic growth.
The current ecosystem has several challenges and dilemmas in the way we may attempt to secure these goals. There are several orphan unresolved issues. This main session aims to bring stakeholders from various backgrounds together to discuss these challenges in an inclusive, transparent, bottom up and participatory manner. The full potential of the internet can only be achieved by working together across nation states and stakeholder groups.
Co-Facilitators: Dominique Lazanski (ICC Basis), Subi Chaturvedi and Segun Olugbile
MAG Volunteer- Juan Gonzalez. More MAG and Non MAG are invited and welcome to contribute and engage on the list. The session will build upon existing global initiatives including GCSC2015 and others.
Agenda : KEY THREADS- This main session will explore the following:
§ Identify the issues: what are the critical challenges in establishing resiliency and trust from the different stakeholders’ perspectives?
§ Assess the capacities: what capabilities are essential to addressing cybersecurity challenges and how can they be measured?
§ Capacity building: what are the best practices in addressing today’s and tomorrow’s challenges? What platforms would facilitate and accelerate these efforts and how can they best achieve synergy in this field?
§ Multistakeholder collaborations: what are examples of successful proactive and reactive collaborations to address cybersecurity challenges, either nationally, regionally, or globally; within a sector and across sectors?
§ Next steps: What practical and concrete steps can be taken or initiatives could be implemented? What other evidence-based research is needed?
Policy Questions:
1. What are the key issues and challenges for a secure and sustainable free and open cyberspace and how can international cooperation be enhanced?
2. How can we amplify multistakeholder participation in promoting international stability of the internet and enhancing cooperation in global internet governance towards a secure cyberspace.
3. Striking the right balance between cybersecurity and human rights including free speech- recommendations and Best Practices
4. How can we create a secure cyberspace for netizens, small and large business, startups and governments without thwarting innovation?
5. Promoting the use of internet for international peace and security - recommendations for high level principles for cyber cooperation.
6. Rights, Recourse, Jurisdiction- Understanding risk behaviour, disruptive technologies initiating cyber hygiene, national digital literacy and broadband plan integration, discovering new approaches for institutionalising and disseminating best practises for capacity building.
7. Enhancing digital trust and protecting privacy – bilateral and multistakeholder initiatives – exploring collaborative space
8. Embracing the “other” - Engaging with diversity and regional/national/linguistic/forensic challenges – problem definition with a solutions approach/ case studies?
9. How can Cybersecurity be more open, accountable and transparent?
Host Country Chair: Mr. Paulo Sergio Carvalho
Title: A Dialogue on “Zero rating” and Network Neutrality
IGF Day 3 - 12 November 2015 - 2:00-4:00pm
The objective of this session is to provide the global Internet community, and policymakers in particular, with an informed and balanced dialogue on the complex Internet policy issue of “zero-rating.”
The purpose of the session is to help others, in their respective countries and locales, in their own analyses of Zero-Rating (ZR). The session will promote access to expert insight and multistakeholder community discussion. We encourage remote and in-person participation and aim for complete diversity across stakeholder groups and perspectives. As a main session, translation will be available in the official UN languages.
There are many different viewpoints on ZR, with some stakeholders being completely against the practice to others being fully supportive. In the open discussion leading up to this session, it has become apparent that some stakeholder approaches to ZR are more nuanced and varied than “for or against.” The session will consider the full spectrum of views.
In the case where ZR is advanced as a means to drive Internet access and narrow the digital divide, this session will also explore alternative approaches, such as the use of community networks.
The agenda is currently being developed between organizers and moderators. Based upon list discussion to date, the session will involve the following elements:
• Introduction and Opening - After a brief introduction by the session organizers, the lead moderator will ask expert speakers to provide a brief description of how they view ZR.
• Multistakeholder, expert dialogue - A moderated discussion on zero-rating amongst experts holding different positions and perspectives. The discussion will be based upon policy questions contributed from the community.
• Community questions and discussion - Remote and in-person participants will be invited to pose questions to the experts, as well as to engage in guided discussion on topics raised.
• Alternatives - Alternatives to zero-rating as a means to advance access, such as community networks, will be explained and illustrated.
• Contributions from relevant IGF workshops - A handful of workshops at this year’s IGF will consider zero-rating. Organisers or participants from these workshops will be invited to contribute a readout to the session.
Policy Questions:
Based upon submissions from the community, below are examples of the policy questions that will be addressed during the session:
• Please describe ZR as you see it in 90 seconds.
• Under what circumstances are there benefits of ZR? What are the benefits? Under what circumstances are there detriments from ZR? What are the detriments?
• Is all zero-rating bad? Or are there business models of ZR that are good? Should the bad models be regulated? should the good models be regulated? How?
• Is ZR an anti-competitive business practice, or does ZR enhance competition?
• Does a focus on Zero-Rated Internet access in developing countries divert government attention and investment away from other efforts to enhance access?
• In those countries which have banned zero rating, what has been the impact?
• Does ZR limit or skew end-user behavior? If so, how? Is this effect different from that of other free offerings over the Internet?
• What are your thoughts,, for example, the following hypothetical: Imagine that Developer says to Consumer, "Send me your Internet bill at the end of the month. If you are being charged $Y/MB, and you consume Z MB of our service, we will send you a check for $Y*Z or simply reduce your bill with us by that amount.
• How should regulators / governments address the potential tension between expanding Internet connectivity and the desire for “pure net neutrality?”
Host Country Chair: Mr. Nivaldo Cleto, Owner at Classico Consultoria, Advisor to the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee of Brazil (CGI.br) and Board member of the Board of Trade of Sao Paulo (JUCESP), as a Representative of the Union.
The role of the moderators is to keep the discussion focused, self-referencing, fluid, friendly, and on time.
• Lead/expert moderator: Robert Pepper, VP, Global Technology Policy, Cisco
• Remote moderator: Ginger Paque, Director, Internet Governance Programmes, Diplo
• Floor and Readout moderator: Carolina Rossini, VP, International Policy, Public Knowledge
• Floor and Readout moderator: Vladimir Radunovic, Director, E-diplomacy and Cybersecurity Programmes, Diplo
Expert speakers: (confirmed as of 29 October 2015)
• Jochai Ben-Avie, Senior Global Policy Manager, Mozilla, USA
• Igor Vilas Boas de Freitas, Commissioner, ANATEL, Brazil
• Dušan Caf, Chairman, Electronic Communications Council, Republic of Slovenia
• Silvia Elaluf-Calderwood, Research Fellow, London School of Economics, UK/Peru
• Belinda Exelby, Director, Institutional Relations, GSMA, UK
• Helani Galpaya, CEO, LIRNEasia, Sri Lanka
• Anka Kovacs, Director, Internet Democracy Project, India
• Kevin Martin, VP, Mobile and Global Access Policy, Facebook, USA
• Pranesh Prakash, Policy Director, Center for Internet and Society, India
• Steve Song, Founder, Village Telco, South Africa/Canada
• Dhanaraj Thakur, Research Manager, Alliance for Affordable Internet, USA/West Indies
• Christopher Yoo, Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer & Information Science, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Plan for online interaction:
This session will include a remote panelist who will be prepared to speak from a remote hub.
Both in situ and remote interventions are being carefully coordinated to maximise a diversity of views in the available time.
This session will treat online participants on equal footing with in situ attendees, and will monitor remote attendees specifically to ensure that their requests to ask questions will be noted. Participant interventions in the session will consist of questions, at two structured points in the session. Floor moderators will collect the questions, and will consult with the panel remote moderator to ensure that remote questions are considered, as the moderators select for stakeholder balance and remote representation. Remote participant questions will be read into the session in English or Spanish by the remote moderator, to avoid 'transaction cost' (time and possible connection difficulties).
‘Feeder’ workshops and/or connections with other sessions:
We have identified the following workshops and other sessions as relevant. Each shall provide a 1-2 minute readout or preview from their session.
• Workshop No. 156: Zero-rating and neutrality policies in developing countries
• Workshop No. 79: Zero-rating, Open Internet, and Freedom of Expression
• Workshop No. 21: SIDS Roundtable: “Free Internet” - Bane or Boon?
• Dynamic Coalition Session: Dynamic Coalition on Net Neutrality
• Access/PROTESTE event on Zero-Rating
Desired results/output:
As explained above, our desired result is to provide the global Internet community with a well-rounded and insightful dialogue on the Internet policy issue of zero-rating. The discussion is an output in and of itself, from which policymakers around the world should benefit. In accordance with the IGF reporting requirement, a rapporteur shall produce a neutral report of the session, which will not draw conclusions on the topic, but rather will summarise the main points discussed.
Title: IGF Dynamic Coalitions
IGF Day 3 - 12 November - 4:30 - 6:00 and IGF Day 4 - 13 November - 9:00-10:30
Brief Description/Objective:
After 9 years of letting Dynamic Coalitions evolve in the margins of the IGF, the MAG agreed to bring their work into the mainstream and let them present their findings with a view to producing IGF outputs.
This is in line with the recommendations of the CSTD Working Group on IGF improvements which called for more tangible IGF output. The primary objective of this Main Session is to give an opportunity for the DCs to present and showcase their work to the broader community in a formal manner, during a main session at the IGF annual meeting. Many of the DC’s have undertaken and achieved significant work in their respective fields and allowing them to present working outputs for broad community feedback at the IGF will help increase and strengthen IGF outputs for use of other relevant IG fora and bodies. This session will also be a good chance to highlight the work of the DCs in general and hopes to encourage increased participation in the DCs by those attending the IGF in Brazil in person and following remotely.
The structure of the Main Session, split into two days, will reflect the progress of respective DCs’ working outputs, as determined and declared by those same DC’s. The first part of the session on Day 3 will devote speaking slots to those DCs with final, complete outputs, who are actively seeking feedback from the community. Participants will be encouraged to complete rating sheets on the output documents, which will be broken down into the main issues under discussion.
The second part of the Main Session on the morning of Day 4, will give additional DCs who wish to do so the opportunity to introduce themselves, discuss their work, and encourage participation in their group. The rest of the second day will be devoted to discussion and debate on the outputs presented on the first day. The feedback received via rating sheets will provide guidance for the future work of the DCs.
The following DCs will present their work and receive feedback on both days of the Main Session:
- Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD)
- Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values (DCCIV)
- Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance (DCGIG)
- Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights & Principles (IRPC)
- Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality (DCNN)
- Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility (DCPR)
- Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries (DCPAL)
- Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things (DCIoT)
The following DCs will introduce their work on the second day of the Main Session:
- Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies (DCBT)
- Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety (DCCOS)
Agenda and Format
The session is divided into two broad parts, in order to:
a) allow the Dynamic Coalitions to present their work, in the first part.
b) allow for discussions and debate, in the second part.
Policy questions:
The various DCs have been invited to formulate policy questions.
Among others, the following policy questions have been proposed for consideration:
- The Internet of Things (IoT) is in early stages, and in many ways new possibilities are developed and discovered beyond our imagination, and we welcome it for its potential to help alleviate specific societal challenges where it can. To foster both innovation and user trust in the Internet of Things, like the Internet, a careful balance should be struck between regulation and innovation. What principles should we embrace to ensure that <1> innovation and beneficial application of IoT can foster and <2> society is comfortable with the way these products and services are set up?
- Good Practice aims at developing IoT products, ecosystems and services taking ethical considerations into account from the outset, both in the development, deployment and use phases of the life cycle, thus to find a sustainable way ahead using IoT helping to create a free, secure and enabling rights based environment. In what ways can (and should?) we empower the users with regards to the use of data reporting on actions relating to their specific behavior as observed in an IoT enabled environment?
- How can policy makers, libraries and businesses work together to prioritize providing Internet access through public libraries from an infrastructure standpoint?
- What actions can IGF participants take to promote the role of libraries in creating informed and engaged populations who can effectively use the internet to access information, obtain government services and participate in social and economic activities?
- How can we ensure that gender is a cross-cutting theme, not an island or silo, that contributes to strengthening internet governance?
- How can we strengthen gender diversity - men, women, trans voices - at all levels of internet governance (participants, moderators and panelists)?
Host Country Chair’s: Part I: Mr. Carlos Alberto Afonso, 3rd Sector Representative, CGI.br, Part II: Ms. Veridiana Alimonti, Brazilian Institute for Consumer Defense
· Co-Moderators:
Jeanette Hoffman, Rachel Pollack
Representatives from the DC’s will be presenting the work of their respective groups. Speakers are as follows:
- Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability (DCAD) : Francesca Cesa Bianchi, Andrea Saks
- Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values (DCCIV) : Olivier Crepin-Leblond
- Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance (DCGIG) : Bishakha Datta
- Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights & Principles (IRPC) : Hanane Boujemi, Marianne Franklin
- Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality (DCNN) : Luca Belli
- Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility (DCPR) : Nicolo Zingales
- Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries (DCPAL) : Christina de Castell
- Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things (DCIoT) : Maarten Botterman
- Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies (DCBT) : Primavera De Filippi
- Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety (DCCOS) : Marie-Laure Lemineur
Remote moderator/Plan for online interaction:
The two parts will be linked by feed-back participants will be invited to give with idea rating sheets. This will allow the DCs to use the feed-back as an introduction to the second part of the session.
More about this rating sheet methodology is available on this website: http://www.idearatingsheets.org/
Moderator: Jeremy Malcolm
‘Feeder’ Workshops and/or Connections with Other Sessions:
The annual DC meetings will take place ahead of the DC Main Session and are designed to provide input into the DC the main session.
Desired Results:
The outcome of the sessions will determine the level of support the various DCs enjoy from the broader IGF community. One of the session’s objectives is to determine whether there is acceptance on moving towards an IGF output.
Title: Main Session: Human Rights, Access and Internet Governance Roundtable
IGF Day 4 - 13 November - 11:00-1:00pm
The IGF has been a critical platform to facilitate dialogue on human rights and their interlinkages with internet policy and governance, which has also informed discussions in other policy bodies such as the Human Rights Council. Human rights issues have also been increasingly prominent at the IGF, with a large proportion of workshops speaking to their different dimensions. This main session on human rights intends to:
a) Surface key questions and facilitate broader discussions on the issue of human rights and the internet;
b) Surface the linkage between the IGF 2015 thematic area of access with human rights.
The session will be organised as a roundtable, and will focus on 3 areas of discussion, namely:
l Human rights, access and development
l Freedom of expression, right to assembly and privacy
l Emerging issues
The roundtable aims to create a space to discuss key issues and questions that emerge from workshop sessions focused on human rights as well as new questions and topics raised in this public consultation. The main areas are organised based on workshop submissions under the thematic area of human rights. The global internet community has helped to shape this session by suggesting policy questions for each of the areas in the 1 month prior to the IGF (see below).
Discussants from different stakeholder groups will provide substantive inputs to some of the questions, which will then be opened up to participants for broader conversation. Moderators will introduce the overall framing for the session, and actively engage discussants and participants in the conversation.
Anriette Esterhuysen, Association for Progressive Communications, South Africa (Confirmed)
Juan Carlos, Derechos Digitales, Chile (Confirmed)
Opening input: Prof Joe Canatacci, UN Special Rapporteur on Right to Privacy in Digital Age (Invited)
Helani Galpaya, LirneAsia, Sri Lanka (Academia/Civil Society, Invited)
Partik Hesilius, TeliaSonera & Telecommunications Industry Dialogue, Sweden (Private sector, Invited)
Niels Ten Oever, Working Party on ICANN and Human Rights & Article 19, Netherlands (Civil Society, Confirmed)
Bishakha Datta, Point of View, India (Civil Society, Confirmed)
Ebele Okobi, Facebook, Head of Public Policy Africa, Nigeria/London (Private Sector, Confirmed)
Kathy Brown, ISOC, US (Technical Community, Confirmed)
Dunja Mijatović, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Bosnia-Herzegovina (Invited)
Alejandra Lagunes, coordinator of the National Digital Strategy of Mexico, Mexico (Government, Invited)
Guilherme Varella, Department of Cultural Policy of the Ministry of Culture, Brazil (Government, Inviting)
Workshop organisers: Being discussed (up to 4)
Closing/Synthesis: Frank LaRue, Executive Director of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Europe, Guatemala/Italy (Invited)
Host Country Chair: Mr. Thiago Tavares, Founder and President of SaferNet Brazil, Board Member for CGI.br
A. Human rights, access and development
1. Are internet rights and access goals in conflict with each other?
2. What are existing social and cultural norms that act as barriers to equal access and use of ICTs?
3. What are the benefits of access to transforming social, cultural and political contexts?
4. How can access enable disenfranchised, marginalised and discriminated groups, including women, young people and people of diverse gender and sexualities to advance their rights and interests, towards greater equality and social justice?
5. How does access revitalise participatory citizenship and improved governance?
6. How can access policies and technology development integrate human rights principles to promote the use of ICTs for social and cultural transformation, towards greater equality?
7. What are the key human rights considerations on questions around net neutrality and access?
8. How can a gender-sensitive approach to ICT Policy making be advanced?
B. Freedom of expression, assembly and privacy
1. How can consent be applied more strongly on policy debates around privacy, anonymity and the internet?
2. How are new laws relating to cybersecurity affecting freedom of expression, assembly, and privacy online? What protections exist in different countries, and what best practices are being developed?
3. How can be achieved balance between privacy and cybersecurity/cybercrime regulation and public policies?
4. Should human rights guidelines be made obligatory for protocol and software development?
5. What standards for human rights protection should all ICT companies, service providers and infrastructure providers follow? Perhaps the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights?
6. How should human rights online be enforced, and by whom?
7. Should the Internet be based on cooperatively owned infrastructure to become a truly human rights enabling network?
C. Emerging issues
1. How can we measure implementation and integration of human rights in internet governance?
2. What are the best measures for indicating achievement in the provision of inclusive access?
3. What are the main instruments to engage all sectors and make them accountable in human rights protections in the provision of internet access.
Title: The NETmundial Multistakeholder Declaration and the Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem
10th IGF Day 4 - 13 November 2015 - 2:00-4:00pm
Brief Description/Objective:
The NETmundial Multistakeholder Statement covers a wide range of Internet Governance issues that are of great relevance to the IGF. In particular, the Statement highlighted the need for a strengthened IGF in its mandate of serving as the focal point for the discussion of many issues, according to the Tunis Agenda, including some that may not yet be fully addressed in existing organizations, processes and fora.
The session has two main objectives:
a) To take stock of the evolution of the Internet Governance ecosystem with regard to the principles and roadmap contained in the NETmundial Multistakeholder Statement.
b) To review the current and future impact of the NETmundial Statement on Internet Governance processes.
This main session aims at taking stock of how those issues are being advanced by the broader Internet governance community 18 months after the São Paulo meeting, by means of concrete examples provided by various players of the ecosystem dealing with different governance issues at national, regional, or international levels.
Agenda and format:
The session will have an initial, very brief presentation of the NETmundial process and Statement, made by the moderators, to set the scene and provide a baseline understanding across all participants.
The main part of the session will be organized in five consecutive blocks. The three initial blocks will correspond to the discussion of the three policy questions (see item 5 below). In each of these blocks, a main speaker will have 10 minutes to address concrete examples that show the advancement of the Internet Governance ecosystem, as appropriate for each of the policy questions. A debater will have 5 minutes immediately after the main speaker to discuss his/her contribution. The fourth block will bring three debaters that will address all three policy questions together. The fifth and final block will be entirely reserved for the interaction with the audience, from a global perspective regarding all policy questions.
As in NETmundial, four microphones will be arranged in the room, corresponding to the four main communities – governments, private sector, civil society, technical community / academia. Four remote queues will be arranged similarly, but, depending on the interest of the different communities, there will be a smaller number of remote queues. Questions and contributions from the on-site and remote audiences will rotate among the communities, considering both the on-site microphones and the remote queues.
Policy Questions:
a) How is the Internet Governance community advancing towards the NETmundial proposal of strengthening IGF to better serve as a platform for discussing longstanding and emerging issues that are not being fully addressed by the current IG ecosystem with a view to contributing to the identification of possible ways to address them – or to better help provide information where those issues are being addressed?
b) Are organizations, processes and fora that form the IG ecosystem working according to the principles of Internet Governance as proposed in the NETmundial Statement? How do their operating principles align to these principles? Are there efforts to improve alignment where needed?
c) How are the items in the NETmundial roadmap being covered by the current Internet Governance ecosystem? Are those items being covered by processes that align to the NETmundial principles? What else should be done / initiated by the community in this regard?
Host Country Chair: Mr. Percival Henriques, Adviser of the Internet Steering Committee at CGI.br, Member of NCOG and LACRALO
On-site moderators will be Demi Getschko (NIC.br) and Raúl Echeberría (ISOC). Remote moderator will be Rafael Prince (Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs). The three moderators will work together to set the pace of the session and to allow for an adequate interaction with on-site and remote participants.
Policy Question 1
Speaker: Virgilio Almeida, Brazil, to be confirmed [Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, government]
Debater: Virat Bhatia, India, to be confirmed [Yahoo, private sector]
Policy Question 2
Speaker: Anne Carblanc, France, confirmed [OECD, intergovernmental organization]
Debater: Carolina Rossini, US, confirmed [Public Knowledge, civil society]
Policy Question 3
Speaker: Jeanette Hoffman, Germany, confirmed [WZB Berlin Social Science Center, academia]
Debater: Daniel Sepulveda, US, confirmed [State Department, government]
Other Debaters:
Nnenna Nwakanma, Nigeria, to be confirmed [Web Foundation, civil society]
Zahid Jamil, Pakistan, to be confirmed [Jamil and Jamil, private sector]
Markus Kummer, Switzerland, confirmed [ICANN, technical community]
Remote moderator/Plan for online interaction:
Remote hubs shall be used to allow more lively interaction with remote participants. Four remote queues will be arranged corresponding to the four main communities – governments, private sector, civil society, technical community / academia. Questions and contributions from the on-site and remote audiences will rotate among the on-site microphones and remote queues. More details still to be defined.
‘Feeder’ workshops (if applicable) and/or connections with other sessions:
The theme of the High-Level Meeting on Day 0 will be “The Evolution of the IG Ecosystem post-2015”. It is expected that many leaders from different stakeholder groups will bring contributions to this High-Level Meeting that have a direct link to the policy issues of this main session. A direct link may also exist with discussions that will take place in the WSIS+10 main session, which will also address the evolution of IGF, among other issues.
Desired results/output:
The main session aims to deliver, to the extent possible, a document describing, with examples, the evolution of the Internet Governance, at national, regional and international levels, subsequent to the Sao Paulo meeting, with regard to both (a) the principles for Internet Governance that have been defined by the NETmundial Statement and (b) the NETmundial roadmap, as well as places where improvements may be considered.
The output shall be prepared by two designated rapporteurs, Diego Canabarro (NIC.br) and Rafael Prince (Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs), who will work closely with the moderators and MAG facilitators and will also seek feedback from the panelists.
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Monday, November 9
UNESCO Chair, Unitwin (MIL) - “Should education 3.0 and children be part of Internet governance?” Italian Chamber of Deputies - "Internet Bill of Rights" Government of Brazil - "Social Role of Communications and Strengthening Freedom of Expression" NETMundial Initiative GIGANet (Global Internet Governance Academic Network) ISOC - "Collaborative Leadership Exchange on Internet Governance for Sustainable Development" Stanford Deliberative Poll
APC - "Gender and the Internet"
Citizen Lab - "Mapping Internet Governance and Information Controls: Lessons Learned from Southeast Asia" ICANN Accountability and Global Governance Discourse
Freedom House - "Freedom on the Net 2015 Report" Orientation Session
ISOC Annual Event
Nuecla Services Limited APC/ IFLA/ IDP - "WSIS+10 Review" High Level Leaders Meeting IEEE - "Internet Governance, Security and Privacy in 2030" Ranking Digital Rights/ Internews - “Corporate Accountability for Digital Rights: Building a Global Research and Advocacy Network”
FGV DIREITO RIO/ Council of Europe/ Government of Brazil/ German Institute for International and Security Affairs - "Privacy in the Digital Age"
BPF on Regulation and mitigation of unwanted communications - "Technical proficiency training for Africa: organisation, coordination, funding"
NETmundial Solutions Map
Tuesday, November 10
ICC BASIS Business Briefing
BPF Developing meaningful multistakeholder participation mechanisms BPF Regulation and mitigation of unwanted communications WS 13 Keeping Your Credentials Secure Online: A Roundtable Dynamic Coalition on Accessibility and Disability Dynamic Coalition on Child Online Safety WS 126 Can Internet rights and access goals be reconciled? WS 153 Freedom of Expression online: Gaps in policy and practice WS 187 Promoting local actions to secure internet rights WS 219 Addressing funding challenges for continuous innovation WSIS+10 Consultations
Diplo - GIP Digital Watch
WS 124 Balancing privacy and transparency to promote freedom online Open Forum - DINL, Digital Infrastructure Association Open Forum - ITU BPF Enabling Environments to Establish successful IXPs WS 188 Spectrum allocations: challenges & opportunities at the edge WS 118 How communities restore trust in the digital environment Dynamic Coalition on Net Neutrality WS 114 Implementing Core Principles in the Digital Age WS 151 Hate and discriminatory speech and FoE online WS 29 Digital economy, jobs and multistakeholder practices
WS 159 The Right to Protest Online Global Comission on Internet Governance
Mentor Youth Meetup Seed Alliance Awards Ceremony
Setting the Scene
Opening Ceremony
Opening Session
Wednesday, November 11
ICC BASIS Business Briefing
WS 259 An Observatory of Web Accessibility - the case of Portugal Open Forum - ICANN BPF Creating an Enabling Environment for IPv6 Adoption BPF Online Abuse and Gender-Based Violence Against Women WS 156 Zero-rating and neutrality policies in developing countries WS 32 Mobile and IoT Expand Inclusion for Persons w/ Disabilities WS 31 The “Right to be Forgotten” Rulings and their Implications WS 49 No Grey Areas – Against Sexual Exploitation of Children WS 96 #AfricanInternetRights: whose rights are these anyway? Internet Economy and Sustainable Development Inter-regional dialogue session
WS 131 Commonwealth approach on National Cybersecurity Strategies
WS 197 Net Neutrality: Yes, No or Maybe?
WS 167 Unlocking internet economy through copyright reform WS 171 IXPs: Driving connectivity and local economies Open Forum - Internet Society (ISOC) BPF Establishing and supporting Computer Security Incident Response Teams (CSIRTs) WS 68 Can civil society impact Global Internet Governance? WS 125 When Governments Hit ‘Like’ on the ‘War on Terror’ WS 145 Cuts Right Across: Consent in the Digital Age WS 60 Benchmarking ICT companies on digital rights
WS 141 Law enforcement in a world where encryption is ubiquitous WS 196 Tech-related gender violence x Freedom of Expression Open Forum - WIPO
WS 52 The Global “Public Interest” in Critical Internet Resources WS 111 Understanding Effective Cyber Security Capacity Building WS 160 Managing security risks for sustainable development WS 6 Child Online Protection through Multistakeholder Engagement Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values Dynamic Coalition on Platform Responsibility WS 30 Multistakeholder practices enabling sustainable development WS 112 “Governing Darknet with regards to drug policy” WS 152 Political dissent & online anonymity in developing countries Open Forum - UNCTAD IGF Intersessional Work: Policy Options and Best Practices for Connecting the Next Billion
WS 195 Hancel: a mobile tool for safety of journalists Open Forum - Government of Cuba, Ministry of Education WS 194 IPv6 Transition up to date WS 28 Multistakeholder Solutions for Youth-Produced Sexual Content Dynamic Coalition on Freedom of Expression and Freedom of the Media on the Internet WS 142 Cases on the right to be forgotten, what have we learned? WS 225 Terms of Service as Cyber-Regulation WS 53 The Politics of Encryption WS 231 Role of Local & Regional Prvt. Sector in Global Internet Gov WS 263 Digital economy in LATAM and its sustainable development
Open Forum - Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights & the Council of Europe - "Right to Privacy in the Digital Age"
WS 239 Bitcoin, Blockchain and Beyond: FLASH HELP!
Thursday, November 12
ICC BASIS Business Briefing
WS 120 Launching UNESCO Internet Freedom Series Publications Dynamic Coalition on Gender and Internet Governance Dynamic Coalition on Internet Rights and Principles Dynamic Coalition on the Internet of Things WS 146 Connected vehicles: net governance and autonomous transport WS 21 SIDS Roundtable: the "Free Internet" - Bane or Boon? WS 139 Enabling the Next Billion Users through Universal Acceptance WS 261 Big Data for Development: Privacy Risks and Opportunities? WS 98 Dangerous Speech Online: Identification and Strategies WS 110 “Internet Plus” to Fuel Industry Evolution Enhancing Cybersecurity and Building Digital Trust
Open Forum - Association for Progressive Communications (APC)
Open Forum - Association for Progressive Communications (APC) WS 226 Internet governance and Open Government Data initiatives WS 65 The Benefits and Challenges of the “Free Flow” of Data Dynamic Coalition on Public Access in Libraries Death and the Internet - Managing Digital Legacies WS 150 IGF initiatives MasterChef WS 163 Multi-stakeholder Internet Governance -IANA Stewardship WS 123 Indicators to promote evidence-based policymaking WS 47 How Can Internet Policy-Making Support LGBT Rights? WS 155 Encryption and Anonymity: Rights and Risks
WS 214 Internet interconnection under regulatory pressure Open Forum - Council of Europe Open Forum - Freedom Online Coalition
APC - GISWatch Launch
WS 245 Mexico: The National Digital Strategy and the MSH model Dynamic Coalition on Accountability of Internet Governance Venues Youth Coalition on Internet Governance WS 169 Building Internet Observatories: approaches and challenges WS 50 WGIG +10 WS 78 Equity and the developing world in internet governance WS 207 Economics of Global Internet Deployment WS 241 Revenue Streams that Grow & Sustain Internet Economies WS 56 Mobile Payment Boosts Internet Economy and Challenges Global Forum on Cyber Expertise (GFCE) WS 190 Evolving Cyber Assurance across Societies & Supply Chains A Dialogue on “Zero Rating” and Network Neutrality
Open Forum - DiploFoundation and the Geneva Internet Platform WS 128 Mitigate Online Hate Speech and Youth Radicalisation WS 158 Blasphemy policies: Consequences for digital world WS 7 How Trade Agreements Shape the Future of Internet Governance WS 27 Viable application & debate: online participation principles WS 271 Enhancing Gender Participation within IGFs WS 200 DoubleIrish,DutchSandwich,aCaipirinha:InternetTaxationTale WS 34 Internet Governance 2015: Promoting Trade, Inclusion & Trust WS 35 Across The Globe: Local Infrastructure is Local Development
WS 17 Cybersecurity Awareness though Multistakeholder outreach Main Session on Dynamic Coalitions
WS 108 Documentary heritage in the digital age
Friday, November 13
ICC BASIS Business Briefing
WS 147 A network of virtual working spaces for Internet Governance? WS 224 CIvil Society and Information Controls in the Global South WS 72 IANA functions transition:A New Era in Internet Governance? WS 201 Ensuring sustainability for IXPs in the developing world WS 48 Internet of Things. Ethical Considerations for the Digital Age WS 135 National and Transnational Internet Governance: Jurisdiction WS 82 IGF beyond 2015: Extend mandate, strengthen institution WS 253 Empowering the next billion by improving accessibility Main Session on Dynamic Coalitions WS 79 Zero Rating, Open Internet and Freedom of Expression
WS 235 Results from the First Deliberative Poll @ IGF Open Forum - OECD
WS 132 Transnational Due Process: A Case Study in MS Cooperation WS 178 Beyond the tipping point: SID in the global South WS 242 The Manila Principles on Intermediary Liability Open Forum - European Broadcasting Union in partnership with EuroDIG organizer Open Forum - Government of Paraguay, National ICT Ministry WS 186 A multistakeholder and humanrights approach to cybersecurity WS 54 The Destabilization of Internet Governance WS 119 Democracy 3.0: Representation & the Multistakeholder Model WS 136 Through the Looking Glass: enhanced cooperation in LAC WS 191 Engaging youth in a multistakeholderism practicum Human Rights on the Internet
WS 154 Connect 2020 Agenda Implementation: Challenges/opportunities Open Forum - IEEE Open Forum - Internet Number Community Open Forum - UNESCO
WS 134 Organising an Internet Social Forum - Occupy the Internet WS 244 Digital Bootcamp: Play. Collaborate. Change the World. WS 80 Bottom-up Meets Top-down: When Governance Systems Intersect WS 58 OERs: Can they bridge the digital divide gap? WS 172 Cybersecurity, human rights and Internet business triangle WS 97 How to Bridge the Global Internet Economy Divide? WS 10 FOSS & a Free, Open Internet: Synergies for Development WS 223 Community Networks: a Revolutionary Paradigm The NETmundial Statement and the Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem
Open Forum - European Comission/Global Internet Policy Observatory (GIPO)
Dynamic Coalition on Blockchain Technologies
Open Microphone & Taking Stock
Closing Ceremony
[View the list]