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320 Locked Out UAW Local 5 Honeywell Workers To Rally
Date 17/02/02/14:23

320 Locked Out UAW Local 5 Honeywell Workers To Rally In South Bend Indiana-Call For Solidarity

Feb 11, 2017 Return to Our Roots Solidarity Rally w/Locked-out UAW members
Saturday, February 11 at 12 PM
UAW Local 5
1426 S Main St, South Bend, IN 46613-2206, United States

320 workers – members of UAW Local 9 - at Honeywell Aerospace factory in South Bend, Indiana and 42 UAW Local 1508 members at their sister plant in Green Island, NY have been locked out since May 9, 2016 over a contract dispute.

Honeywell workers have twice voted NO! to a contract that would eliminate cost-of-living increases and pensions, curtail overtime pay, subcontract out union work, restrict representation rights and gut seniority rights. The company wants the license to unilaterally change health coverage, premiums and deductibles.

UAW Local 9 was forged during a 6-day sit-down occupation of the then-Bendix Corporation 80 years ago. February 11th is the 80th anniversary of the victorious 44-day Flint, Michigan Sit down strike. We will commemorate these two historic struggles that won the UAW exclusive bargaining rights for industrial workers. We aim to defend what these brave workers, their families and their communities won for us, and apply their lessons to the fight with Honeywell today.

PLEASE NOTE: The location of the "Return to Our Roots" Solidarity Rally has changed. The event is now being hosted by UAW Local 5, 1426 South Main St,
South Bend, IN 46613

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