SF bay area labor events-april 2017
April 17 Bay Area Labor Events
4/5 SF International Solidarity Day of Action For Maruti Suzuki Workers-Free The 13 Jailed Maruti Suzuki Worker
Wednesday April 4, 2017 11:00 AM
540 Arguello Blvd/Geary
San Francisco
Sponsored jointly by the United Public Workers For Action UPWA and U.S. Supporters of the
International Workers Committee Against War and Exploitation, For a Workers' International.
For more information, contact:
415-641-4440 or 415-216-5346
Appeal to Observe 4th/5th April as All-India & International Day of Protest: Free the Maruti Workers!
4/10 SF Protest Against Ukranian Government Repression and Massacre at Odessa Trade Union House
Protest Ukrainian Government Repression!
All out for the Monday, April 10 International Day of Solidarity with the People of Odessa!
In San Francisco Protest at Ukrainian Consulate
12 Noon 530 Bush Street
Stop the repression against relatives & supporters of the 47 people murdered on May 2, 2014!
Free Alexander Kushnarev, Anatoly Slobodyanik & all political prisoners in Ukraine!
No to fascism in Ukraine & all over the world!
Dear Antiwar and Social Justice Activists,
Since the 2014 U.S. and European Union–backed and fascist-led coup in Ukraine the coup government, especially in Odessa, has stepped up its persecution and imprisonment of anti-fascist and social justice activists. (See the detailed information below.)
Please join us on Monday, April 10 at 12 Noon in San Francisco for a peaceful protest at the:
Ukrainian Consulate, 530 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94108
In solidarity, Jeff Mackler, Administrative Committee, United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC jmackler(at)lmi.net
Initial sponsors: UNAC • Odessa Solidarity Campaign
Endorsers/co-sponsors welcome
Emergency Education Conference Program
Emergency California Education Conference: Let’s Fight for Quality and Free Public Education for All Students, Faculty and Staff
Blueprints for a Future: Transforming Education Conference
Emergency California Education Conference:
Let’s Fight for Quality and Free Public Education for All Students, Faculty and Staff
April 15th, 2017
A strong public education system is the foundation of every just and democratic society. Yet for most working families—especially those from black and brown communities— the right to free, high-quality education seems further than ever: early childhood education is inaccessible to children whose parents can’t afford it; k-12 schools are starved of resources while the imposition of high-stakes tests penalizes low-income districts and the explosion of charters exacerbates segregation and inequality; college and graduate students are drowning in debt as tuition at the UC and CSU systems continues to rise; black and brown students are terrorized by police violence, constant raids, and ongoing deportations; LGBTQI students are brutally bullied for their sexual and gender identity; and most students today are delivered an education that does not embrace their histories and experiences and does not educate them for liberation.
9:30AM - 6:00PM
UC Berkeley, 155 Dwinelle
4/19/17 BAAQMD
Bay Area Air Quality Management Board Meeting and Speakout
April 19, 2017 10:00 AM
375 Beale St. San Francisco
4/27 SF Commemorate 2017 Workers Memorial Day
Fight For Health And Safety-Defend Injured Workers
Remember Our Lost Brothers and Sisters, Fight Like Hell For The Living!
Thursday April 27, 2017 7:00 PM
ILWU Local 34 Hall
801 2nd St. Next To AT&T Ball Park, SF
(Parking available in union parking lot)
Health and safety for workers in California and the US is under a frontal attack. OSHA health and safety rules are being overturned every day by the Trump government, and workers are under increasing dangers on all jobs as an epidemic of bullying takes place.
In the US, there are only 2,000 OSHA inspectors and only 200 OSHA inspectors from California to protect the health and safety of 18.5 million workers here in this state. There are more fish and game inspectors than OSHA inspectors, and in many industries such as high tech and biotech, there is no real health and safety protection on the job
Workers are also being fired for exposing health and safety problems even though it is illegal. It is supposed to be illegal to bully and terminate workers who make OSHA complaints, but it is happening all the time in every industry and job. Over 5500 workers at Wells Fargo were bullied and coerced to open up fake illegal accounts and then terminated by the management. The same president CEO John Stumph was informed by some of these bullied workers that fraud was being committed, but he continued the management’s terrorism against whistleblowers and workers. Despite this, he was was allowed to leave with $100 million by the government. Even OSHA Whistleblower Protection Program lawyer and investigator Darrell Whitman was bullied and terminated for trying to defend workers at FedEx, Lockheed Martin, Test America, PG&E, Wells Fargo and J.P. Morgan.
Immigrants face increasing health and safety dangers and the threatened use of ICE to intimidate workers to remain silent about safety issues is a common practice. Workplace bullying is also causing serious mental health problems and stresses that forces workers off the job and many lose their homes, families, and end up in the street. At the same time, the insurance industry has captured the California Workers Compensation Division. Many seriously injured workers have to go through hoops to get healthcare approved from anonymous doctors and outsourcing companies like Maximus, which received a $40 million non-bid contract by the California Department of Industrial Relations DIR. This company which has defrauded workers all over the world and determines whether you should get your injuries taken care by their “doctors” who don’t even have to be licensed in California. They have a denial rate of over 80% leaving injured workers suffering and in such great pain that some have committed suicide.
It is time to remember those workers who have died on the job and those who are under attack.
Remember the Dead and Fight Like Hell For The Living!
Initial Speakers: Brenda Barros, SEIU 1021 SF General Hospital Chapter Chair; Matthew Zugsberger, UBC Pile Drivers Local 34 member; Yesenia Guitron, Wells Fargo bank worker and whistleblower; Dorian Maxwell, Former TWU 250A bus driver who was an OSHA whistleblower; Johnny Burris, J.P. Morgan OSHA whistleblower; Darrell Whitman, OSHA Whistlblower Protection Program Whistleblower and AFGE 2391 SF Labor Council Delegate by skype, Carol Vertongen Occupational Therapist SJS, Dr. Larry Rose Past OSHA Medical Director
Sponsored by Injured Workers National Network (IWNN)
For more information: (415) 282-1908
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