Luckys/Save Mart contract changes
Attention all Luckys, Save Mart and Raleys Employees
At labornet.igc.org/news/0000/savalb.pdf are some of the contact changes you will not be seeing from your Union.
These are from Local 5s contract. We have been told Local 8s contract is much
You will not be getting anything but PR sheets from the union. There have been
some minor improvements in H/W, pension funding and they tossed around a few raises
and bonuses.
Its up to you to get this out in your stores and to your coworkers in other stores;
we have a right to know and a need to know. Some of the full time to part time
reductions are drastic.
This is Important
What is the union giving you as far as contract information? We need to see it
at www.groceryworkers.org immediately so we can take it to the DOL OLMS.
We need people willing to file a complaint over the lack of guidance and contract
information given to us. ASAP.
Let us know if you do not receive a ballot and let us know what kind of information
you get from the union.
If we do nothing we will continue to be kicked around. If you enjoy that then
bend over!
Contact us at: mailto:info@groceryworkers.org
Discussion at: forums.uncharted.ca/viewtopic.php?t=1012
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