Oakland Mayor Schaaf's Union Busting War On Labor-Time For A "General Strike"
Oakland Mayor Schaaf's Union Busting War On Labor-Time For A "General Strike"
Oakland mayor Libby Schaff is in a war on working people and labor. She is trying to go after the legal right of SEIU 1021 and IFPTE Local 21 3,000 members to strike. Striking workers on December 11, 2017 talk about the conditions of Oakland workers who are being driven out of the city and forced to commute many hours to work. They also discuss the gentrification and remove of African Americans and Latinos from the city while Mayor Schaff and the city council have forced more and more workers into part time jobs. Some supporters of the strike are supporting a general strike to unite the entire working class and community against these attacks.
The strike was called off later in the day without a contract by SEIU 1021 and IFPTE Local 21 saying "“…While we didn’t settle a contract tonight, city negotiators have adopted a new tone and demonstrated openness to continue negotiations,” said Felipe Cuevas, president of the Oakland chapter of SEIU 1021. Mayor Schaaf continues to pursue charges against the unions for a supposedly "illegal" strike.
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Production of Labor Video Project
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