Remember The Dead & Fight For The Living
On Workers Memorial Day-Remember The Dead & Fight For The Living - Stop Injuring & Killing Workers On The Job
On 2021 Workers Memorial Day, injured workers and whistleblowers are under attack. The Covid-19 pandemic has escalated the health dangers on workers on the at work and companies like Amazon and Tesla owned by Jeff Bezos & Elon Musk have contaminated their workers and ignored proper health ands safety standards and the companies and billionaires have captured the agencies that are supposed to protect health and safety on the job.
Workers are treated as expendable and disposable by the bosses and corporations. Workers who have spoken out about health and safety have also been illegally retaliated against.
Teachers are also being coerced to go to work without proper protection and have died and contaminated their families.
Black, Latino and Asian frontline workers have also faced systemic racism on the job during the pandemic crisis alongside the growing racist attack on workers on the job and the community.
The capture of the workers comp system by the insurance companies and the destruction of Cal-OSHA and other OSHA programs has meant that injured workers are not protected and also not able to get proper healthcare due to the cost shifting workers comp system.
Governor Newsom has also starved Cal-OSHA which has less than 200 inspectors for California's 18 million workers. Workers at Tesla, Foster Farms, LA docks are getting contaminated and dying because health and safety regulations are not being enforced by this agency.
Governor Gavin Newsom has also allowed the former corrupt Division of Industrial Relations Director Christine Baker to sit on
the California Fraud Assessment Commission FAC which distributed over $30 million to DA’s to prosecute workers comp fruad yet the insurance companies and large employers who engage in workers comp fraud and cost shifting to the state and federal government are let off scott free.
Injured workers and their families will speak out about their fight for health and safety, timely healthcare treatment and justice.
Brenda Barros, SEIU 1021 SF General Hospital Chapter President
Vincent Ward ILWU Local 10 Injured Longshoreman At SSA
Reginald Fegan, San Luis Obispo Park Ranger & Health and Safety Whistleblower & Injured Worker
Charles Rachlis, Cal-OSHA Industrial Hygienist & Whistleblower
Dina Padilla, SEIU 250 Chief Steward, Whistleblower & Injured Worker
W.D. Flient, SEIU 1021 CCSF Chief Steward Adult Residential Facility ARF Nurse
Darrell Whitman, Fired Federal OSHA investigator & Lawyer & AFGE AFGE 2391 Steward & Delegate to SF Labor Council
Becky McClain, Former Pfizer Melecular Biologist and OSHA Whistleblower
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California Workers Memorial Day
United Public Workers For Action UPWA.info
For more information
labormedia1 [at] gmail.com
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