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Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 03:38:01 +0000

An example of postal management

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This message was on Postal talk 6/11/2002.

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We have a carrier who is on light duty due to a kidney ailment, one of his restrictions is no delivering of the mail. This carrier is not able to drink water in abundance like the rest of us. They bug and pester you so much about delivering the mail until he went out a couple of days last week.

it was really hot last week.... What is it about when a doctor says "no delivering of the mail," that management can't seem to grasp! The last day he went out a customer found him unconscious on the ground and call the supervisor at the post office...... it is alleged that the dumb supervisor told the customer his supervisor was not in! The carrier worked in a 2 zone station. The carrier was delivering in one of the bad areas of town at the time! I don't know why the customer did not call 911 from the beginning but he eventually called 911 after it was evident that no! one was coming to assist the ! carrier. The whole process took over an hour before the ambulance came. The carrier had a massive heat stroke. He was taken off the respirator yesterday and taken home to die with his family at home. It is a travesty that the only thing management cares about is the numbers! Management has the audacity to show up at the hospital and the family's home to offer support. They have never made appearances at past letter carriers hospital beds when they were gravely ill. They know they have left the postal service vulnerable to a possible wrongful death lawsuit! I hope someone remember the name of the attorneys and can recommend a good one for this family. I will give you more information as I receive it. But I'm also asking for your prayers for him and his family. Miracles and blessings happens everyday!

But that is the mentality that is bred in the Oakland District. It's all about the numbers. Kick the carriers in their butts, and work them like animals. They are eliminating routes all over the districts because of brutal route inspections. Carriers were put on line 22 for an average of 6-8 times a day 4-16 minutes for deficient practices. They are subtracting so much time off the 1840's to suit their purpose until most of the routes in one unit was 6-7hours long. From a 43 route station to a loss of 6 routes.

Lena Wilson
branch 1111

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Next Email June 12, 2002

Brian Garcia, passed away this morning around 6 am. If you would like to send letter of condolences to his mother and family the address is as follows:

The family of Brian Garcia
2030 Espanola Drive
San Pablo, CA 94806

Some of us are stronger than others and stand up to management pretty well and some do not. Management thinks they have a license to practice medicine. We are under a system where management is targeting people on limited or light duty. They are told by management they are "wasting the postal service money" and "we need to do some soul-searching!" I can imagine what they did to Brian our beloved carrier because they did the same thing to a 40 year veteran letter carrier who had a full knee replacement because of an on the job injury. They picked at him until he had to leave stressed out!

Management was well aware of Brian medical restrictions when they asked him to take a swings. Bottom line management didn't want to pay the overtime nor stay late at the office. Brian was just a nice guy. Management had the gaul to stand vigil at the hospital and show up at his parent's home. Hypocrites!!!!!!

I'm sorry if I sound angry!!!!!But letter carriers in the Oakland District are so frustrated with the treatment we are receiving from management!!! It seems as if this "Atrocious" behavior by management is not going to let up!!! Any recommendations out there from the group to help us do something about this dictatorship we work under? Our NBA is aware of the climate and Bill young was called! I'm afraid someone will snap before its over with!

Lena Wilson
branch 1111

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