U.S. Labor Against the War, Oil Change International and allied organizations are working together to organize these days of solidarity with the people and labor movement of Iraq.
USLAW is circulating an open letter to Bush and Maliki to leaders of unions and labor federations seeking their signatures with the intention of releasing the letter at the press conference in Washington, DC on February 22. If your union has not yet signed on, please urge your officers to do so. The Open Letter can be downloaded or signed on-line.
February 22-23, 2008

Stop the Theft of Iraq's Future -
Iraqi Oil for the Iraqi People
In Iraq, the on-going war and occupation has led to hundreds of thousands of Iraqi deaths, widespread devastation, relentless insecurity and crippling poverty. Foreign oil companies are scrambling to use this opportunity to secure access to massive profits from Iraq's large untapped oil reserves at the expense of the Iraqi people.
The occupation of Iraq serves to protect these interests while US military bases are built nearby to guard the oil fields. As well, the Bush Administration has tried to push the Iraqi Parliament to pass a law that would give foreign oil companies unprecedented control over Iraq's oil resources. The Iraqi cabinet, under pressure from the US, passed this law one year ago on February 23, 2007. The Iraqi Parliament has so far resisted pressure to pass this oil law, but the pressure is by no means over.
The U.S. should have no role in pressuring Iraqis to privatize control of their oil while occupying their country. The Iraqi people are held in a military occupation by over 160,000 foreign troops. We support the Iraqis in their call for resisting the oil law and foreign contracts while under occupation!
Join us in solidarity with the people of Iraq by demanding an end to the military and economic occupation. Make the connection between oil and state— and between profit and war.
Friday, Feb 22 - Washington, DC
Noon: press conference at the Exxon Mobile Office in DC, 2000 K St NW
12:30pm: March with us as we mark the oily trail leading to the White House!
Saturday, Feb 23 - local actions
If you live outside of DC, plan a day of action to mark one-year of Iraq's resistance to the oil law. Hold a protest or plan a march from a gas station to your Congressperson's local office, or host a speaker's roundtable on the oil law.
Need help organizing an event? Email info@priceofoil.org for resources and ideas!
Are you on Facebook? Sign up for the event here: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=16210280243