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LaborNet Sweatshop Page

Join the growing campaign to fight the use of sweatshop labor. The organizations listed below are always looking for committed activists to help with the fight. Anti-sweatshop resources for Activists:

Sweatshop Watch is a coalition of labor, community, civil rights, immigrant rights and women's organizations, attorneys and advocates committed to eliminating the exploitation that occurs in sweatshops.

The National Labor Committee (NLC) is a human rights advocacy group, dedicated to promoting and defending the rights of workers. Through establishing long standing working relationships with non-governmental, human rights, labor and religious organizations, primarily in Latin America, the NLC puts a human face on the global economy. The NLC educates and actively involves the public in actions aimed at ending labor abuses, improving living conditions for workers and their families and promoting the concept of a living wage and true independent monitoring.

UNITE Union's anti-sweatshop page has great information on the anti-sweatshop campaign in the U.S. and abroad.

Justice @ New Balance
UNITE's campaign to expose New Balance's exploitation of workers in the U.S. and China

Students Against Sweatshops - Canada Students Against Sweatshops-Canada (SAS-C) formed following a student networking conference held at the University of Toronto in February 1999. The network links student activists across Canada in their fight to end sweatshop abuses.

Madison Anti-Sweatshop Coalition is developing a really great resource network for students working on sweatshop issues.

Guess Boycott
is UNITE's campaign to end the company's use of sweatshop contractors to make their high fashion garments and to bring about justice and improved working conditions for employees working at Guess' own distribution facilities in Los Angeles, California.

Students Against Sweatshops is a developing resource for campus activism.

Global Exchange is a non-profit research, education, and action center dedicated to promoting people-to-people ties around the world. Since our founding in 1988, we have been striving to increase global awareness among the US public while building international partnerships around the world. Global Exchange is involved in numerous anti-sweatshop actions.

UNITE Canada

Canada's Maquila Solidarity Network

Triangle Fire Website is a history page from Cornell University's Institute for labor relations. The Triangle Shirtwaist fire in New York in 1911 led to the passage of laws to fight swe atshop labor. Visiting this site is a great way to see where we've come from and get a perspective on where we're going.

Between a Rock and a Hard Place:
Smithsonian Institution's Exhibit on Sweatshops

National Interfaith Committee for Worker Justice works to mobilize the religious community in the U.S. on issues and campaigns that will improve wages, benefits, and working conditions for workers, especially low-wage workers.

International Labor Rights Fund

U.S. Department of Labor

Child Labor Coalition

Blood, Sweat and Shears:
Corporate Watch's Facts About Sweatshops

Corporate Watch's Anti-Nike Site

Community Aid Abroad's Nike Watch

Bangor Clean Clothes Campaign

Resource Center of the Americas

The Feminist Majority's Sweatshop Page

Co-op America's Sweatshop Page

Online communications for a democratic labor movement.
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Copyright 1999 LaborNet
1999 LaborNet