
The Digital Revolution And A Labor Media Strategy
LaborTech 2006
November 17, 18 & 19th, 2006
University Of San Francisco
San Francisco, California
THE PURPOSE OF LaborTech is to bring together labor video, computer and media activists in the US and from around the world to build and develop labor communication technology and media. The first conference was held in 1990 and they have been held throughout the United States as well as Canada and Russia. Labor Media conferences are also held in Seoul. We believe that a critical task for labor is building a labor communication media movement that can tell our stories and break the corporate information blockade in every corner of the world.
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Join trade unionists, educators and workers from the US and around the world as they debate, discuss and learn about new communication technology and the development of a labor media movement.
LaborTech.net which has had conferences since 1990 brings together labor video, computer, labor media activists and labor educators to advance knowledge and use of the the internet and multi-media by working people.
This year's conference also includes an international labor competition for the best labor animation and also will include an educational component of research and education papers about telecommunication and how technology is being used to further exploit and spy working people.
The following are a list of proposed workshops and plenums which we will be working to develop.
The ongoing battle of labor to survive against the onslaught and the current reorganizations within labor requires the development of a labor media strategy to defend working people and their struggles.
International Labor Animation Competition & Labor Video Screenings
Panels and Themes
The Bosses' Use of Technology and Worker's Resistance (Surveillance, Union
Busting, and Globalization)
Workers' Technology and Class Struggle Around the World (Labor Media and Internet Tools)
Democratic Communication Rights (Internet Access and Digital Divides)
Community Internet, Wi-Fi and Net Neutrality
Labor Culture and Technology
Radio and Labor Media
Web Sites, Blogging and Using Technology to Build Organizing and Information Networks
Workplace Issues Internet Access and the use of the internet on the job
Labor Media, Education and Labor Culture
Globalization For Workers Using Communication Technology
Labor And Who Controls The Internet
Embedding Workers and Spying On The Job & Off The Job
How To Start A Labor TV Community Access Show
Micro Radio and The Labor Potential
Technology, Deregulation and Health and Safety
Labor Networking, Democracy and the Internet: Lessons For Today and The Future
Streaming Your Labor Rally Or Conference and How To Do It
WIN, Pacifica and Labor Radio
Development of regional labor portals and LaborNets Internationally
Defense of internet for high value content and for democratic control
International labor media network
Outsourcing, Technology and Labor & Organizing Tech Workers Here & Abroad
Building International Labor Film & Video Festivals-Lessons On How To Do It
Open Source, What It Is and how labor can use it
To find out more information please go to our website at
Conference initial endorsers
OPEIU Local 3, California Faculty Association, Laney Labor Studies Program, San Francisco City College Labor Studies Program, San Jose Community College Labor Studies Program, SFSU Labor Studies Program, Union Producers and Programmers Network (UPPNET), Labor Video Project, TV 214, Computer Professionals For Social Responsiblity (CPSR), Symbolic Systems Program Stanford University. USF Faculty Association,
Partial List of Speakers/Participants:Professor Art Shostack, Eric Lee-Labourstart, Myoung Joon Kim-Labor News Production Seoul, Carl Bryant, NALC 214 and TV 214, Nancy Brigham, John Parulis, Professor Michael Perelman, Sid Shniad Canada CUP Communications, Nick Yale SEIU 1000, Martin Fishgold, AFSCME 371 Editor & past president of ILCA, Wes Brain, SEIU Local 503, Erica Zweig-Labornet, John Tate SFSU SEIU 1000, Todd Davies-Symbolic Systems Program Stanford, Joan Lockwood-SEIU 503 web master, Dick Meister-Labor Journalist, Jack Chernos AFM6 and Labor Musician, Professor Dorothy Kid-Chair Media Studies USF, Francisco Cendejas-Stanford University, Jim Kelley, Chair San Jose City College Labor Studies Program, Fred Glass-Communications Director CFT, Frank Emspach-Workers Independent New WIN, Karin Hart, Chair Laney College Labor Studies, Carl Bryant-Producer TV214 NALC214, John Tate San Francisco State University, Judy Miller, M.Ed Ph
P.O.Box 425584, San Francisco, CA 94142