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We Need a Real Debate on Labor's Future

Building Bridges:Your Community and Labor Report - National Edition
Produced by Mimi Rosenberg and Ken Nash

Jose LaLuz is waiting for a real debate on the future of the labor movement. So far all we're getting from the challengers and incumbents within the AFL-CIO is a debate on the structure and financing of the AFL-CIO which is limited in vision, scope, audience and participation. They don't reach or involve the masses of workers who are members of unions or the millions more who are unorganized. They don't talk about building a labor movement.

It's not that workers are complacent. They are angry and worried about their future.  And there are forces of the right who are giving them false answers to real issues while the AFL-CIO combatants debate among themselves with no issues or strategies to reach out to the working class.

Jose LaLuz was formerly the NE Regional Director of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees. He was a prime mover in the successful organizing drive of over 100,000 public sector workers in Puerto Rico a few years ago. He is currently a visiting labor leader at Cornell University. He spoke recently at the annual convention of the NY Metro Labor Communications Council.


To download or play this 27:04 minute program go to radio4all download page:

  Building Bridges is regularly broadcast over WBAI, 99.5 FM in the N.Y.C Metropolitan area on Mondays from 7-8pm EST and streamed at http://www.2600.com/offthehook/hot2.ram    

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