LaborTech/Access 2004
April 2,3 & 4th
Stanford University California/Near San Francisco
Labor, Information Technology, Telecom and Organizing
Using Media and Broadband Access in the Battles for Working People
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for the most important international labor media &
technology conference in the world. Labor videographers, web masters and
media activists from throughout the world will be coming to Stanford to
learn about, discuss and debate new communication technology and how we can
use these tools in the struggle to defend labor and promote justice here
and around the world.
Some of the workshops and panels will be:
- Labor & A Multimedia Approach To Labor Information
- Labor and Toxics In The Workplace
- Workplace discrimination In High Tech
- WiFi and Remote Broadcasting: How Labor Can Get Our Rallies, Conferences &
Actions Out Live On The Internet & Satellite
- Community Access cable And How To Establish A Labor TV Show For Your
- Censorship and the Media Workplace
- Labor Radio (WINS, NRP, KPFA, Pacifica)
- Labor Media, Lessons In Breaking The Corporate Media Blockade And Defending
- Prison media (Prison Radio, Prison Legal News)
- Spying and Surveillance And How To Defend Your Privacy
- Labor film Festivals, Labor Shorts-How To Have A Festival And Support Labor
- Unofficial Labor Websites and Outreach (AUD, CDU)
- Police Repression of Alternative and Labor Reporters From Oakland To Miami
- Lessons From Front-line Local Union Web Masters
- Union Journalists Getting The Message Out To The Membership & The Public
- Labor Education In The Schools and Using Technology
- Building A Labor Cultural Art Movement and Using the Internet
- The Indymedia Movement and Labor-What Is It And How To Build The Links
We will also be having a labor/justice video screening and will be having
workshops on building a labor TV show, using the web to organize locally,
regionally and internationally, and confronting threats to Internet and
media access in the US and worldwide. The conference will be taking place
in the midst of the greatest meltdown of technology workers in recent history.
In the Bay Area, tens of thousands of technology workers have been terminated
and their jobs are now being contracted out around the world to lower paid
workers. Part of the conference will be discussing how these workers can
organize and defend their jobs from IBM to Intel and MS.
Labor is now using labor media from radio, video and the internet to get
the message out. From Wal-Mart workers radio at www.walmartworkerstv.com to
www.laborradio.org and www.techsunited.org along with labor TV shows from
throughout the country. We will also learn about the important labor media
developments in Korea and other countries. Hundreds of trade unionist are
now shooting and editing their labor videos and streaming them on the web
in Korea. They are also using the internet for mass communication and a
democratic debate within the labor movement. The use of digital technology
and telecommunication for labor power and information is now at hand. A
delegation of Korean trade union communicators will be participating in the
conference as well as labor media activists from other countries.
Please let us know if you are able to make it. The deadline for presentation
proposals is January 1, 2004. Discounted early registration is $150.00 (regular is $175).
Please make check payable to LaborTech at P.O. Box 425584, San Francisco, CA 94142.
There are also scholarships available and a sliding scale for low income participants.
The conference has been endorsed by the San Francisco Labor Council, the
Union Producers and Programmers Network (UPPNET), San Jose City College
Labor Studies Program, NALC 214, Labornet and other unions.
Using Communication Technology To Advance Our Struggles
(415) 282-1908
P.O Box 425584
San Francisco, CA 94142