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PLANS ARE UNDER way for a massive march and rally Oct. 29 in Baton Rouge, where union members and community activists will demand good jobs, hiring preference for hurricane survivors and restoration of Davis-Bacon Act wage protection. The Rev. Jesse Jackson and other national activists and union leaders will be there."

As you can see there's still need to propose that affirmative action, environmental regulations, etc., not be dropped. And the rally should be a good place to popularize CLU's broader program and make organizing contacts. Plus now that there's a date we can discuss more concretely solidarity pickets/forums/workplace passing the hat/etc. on that date.

  • The Fed announces that "an AFL-CIO task force is visiting Baton Rouge, La., and Jackson, Miss., today and tomorrow [10/3 and 10/4] (to talk with union, community and religious leaders about how to ensure the rebuilding process puts the long-term needs of working families before corporate profits." We should keep track of who they talked to and what conclusions they came to.

  • When I forwarded last week's version they had announced the petition for decent pay for Gulf Coast Workers but I don't think it was yet online. Now it is: http://www.unionvoice.org/campaign/protect_workers

  • 2,600 of the 9,400 shipyard workers mentioned last week are still missing ­ presenting a need and opportunity to link the efforts of all groups still trying to find folks.

  • There's mention of specific union efforts in the region at local offices or even homes to which union members are coming (check below for details on locations and contact info). Also a Beaumont/Port Arthur, Texas, Gulf Coast Workers Center has been opened to aid survivors of Hurricane Rita.

  • "State federations and others hosting union gatherings should think about passing the hat to collect donations to the AFL-CIO's Union Community Fund Hurricane Relief Fund." Again, this opens the door to all of us raising motions in our locals and workplaces.

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