Age Bias
Dear Editor of the Sacramento Bee.
Workplace: October 10, 2005, Employers warned to be alert to age bias.
Well maybe Akron, Ohio finally got it right!
Age was a factor with Kaiser and Local 250 HCW because the older employees
earned the most and had the best of medical and retirement benefits. Local 250
attorney William Sokol stated in federal court " It was because Kaiser
downsized", so reverse seniority was never applied. Kaiser today, is worth 25
billion dollars above and beyond initial costs. Part of these billions was made on
injuring their workers and not giving them any benefits.
No California legislator, agency, or court recognized our discrimnation
claims. Kaiser, the union and the state allowed us older workers, female, black,
and union members to be permanently disabled with no benefits. As Patrick
Glenn, a Kaiser lawyer, so succinctly stated in federal court in 1996, "It's done
in unions across the United States!"
It was a criminally premeditated act for Kaiser's owners, it's doctors to
increase their pensions . Local 250 HCW and California aided and abetted in this
inhumane crime.
Dina Padilla