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Black garbage collectors in Memphis often rode this
way to stay out of the rain. On February 1, 1968, two
workers were killed when their truck malfunctioned
and crushed them. Their deaths helped spark a strike
by black sanitation workers in Memphis.
Detroit's Big 3 Auto Bosses Drooling Over Possible Merit Pay In "deal" with UAW Bob King who wants "do away with the union attitudes the past"

Republicrat Tax Deal's Biggest Losers: 40 Million Low-Wage Workers Particularly Those With Disabilities Who Will See their Taxes Go Up This Year

"Labor" & "Civil Rights" Censored Out Of New Congressional Committees

CA AFL-CIO/SEIU Do Damage Control For Anti-Labor Brown Budget "while Gov. Brown's proposal isn't perfect, it at least strikes a much-needed balance between cuts and revenues"

Labor Board Warns on Secret Ballots Required By State Law For Election Certification

Illinois Unions win victory over 'Performance Counts'

SF Labor Council Opposes Prosecution Of Assange & Manning And Calls For Defense Of Democratic Communication Rights & Whistleblowers

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