A collection of articles and opinion pieces we think will be of interest to the labor community.
Including: Dick Meister, Harry Kelber, Steven Hill, Alfredo Lopez

LaborNet Newsline:
UAL threatens to void contracts
Pension takeover threatens sale of Bethlehem Steel
MBTA workers approve new labor contract
Union votes against split for janitors
Union sues Norfolk Southern over 401(k) results
United workers retire en masse
Workers scramble to avoid possible cuts in pension plan
Union Battleground
Do Smiling Faces at Wal-Mart
Belie Employee Unhappiness?
Teamsters Local 89 to vote on leaders
Labor group opposes $46 million subsidy for Wal-Mart
Union told United needs to double labor cost cuts
Labor judge orders back pay for fired nurse
Norton Healthcare is told to rehire union organizer
Principals Union: More Unfair Bargaining by Klein
Cedars-Sinai nurses to join union
Developer, union sign pacts
CT labor concession talks hit snag
IBEW Members Vote to Approve New Labor Contract with Florida Power
500 workers at Dominick's get pink slips
To Student Teachers, Yale Shows No Class
Duluth sewage workers end strike
San Francisco Strippers Want More Cash to Titillate
Bankrolling a Union-Buster
Is the Department of Agriculture backing a federal contractor's union-busting agenda?
Custodians prevail
Verizon workers fear unhappy holidays
AFL-CIO Work in Progress December 16, 2002