A collection of articles and opinion pieces we think will be of interest to the
labor community.
Including: Dick Meister, Harry Kelber, Steven Hill, Alfredo Lopez,
Labor Poetry, and even a movie review

LaborNet Newsline:
Ballot Boxes at Columbia U. Sealed Until NLRB Decision
French multinational Unionbusting in Indiana
Union, Management Talking Again in L.A. School Bus Strike
Ventura County May Hire Home-Care Aides
Nike attempts to distance itself from child-labor history
Thousands who worked at LTV Steel lose benefits
CSN deal nearer for Beth Steel
Lockheed workers draw first strike pay
Mediators arrange Lockheed talks
150 workers accuse WorldCom of bias
UPS strike fears spur early talks
Safety program seeks to decrease workplace accidents
AFL-CIO Work in Progress April 1, 2002