A collection of articles and opinion pieces we think will be of interest to the
labor community.
Including: Dick Meister, Harry Kelber, Steven Hill, Alfredo Lopez,
Labor Poetry, and even a movie review

LaborNet Newsline:
Union Carpenters On Strike
Janitors union wants students to lobby for better wages in OR
Sheet Metal Union turns focus towards foreign, residential workforce
Prudential Agents Vote Down Union
Columbia Graduate Assistants Strike to Support Union Effort
Lockheed Machinists on job, but smiles rare
Resident assistants press labor dispute with UMASS
Plans for 3 charter schools back on track in Dade County
'Right to Healthcare' Rally and Training in Philly
Hershey's employees lash out
San Joaquin County Workers Walk Off The Job
Rally highlights newspaper fight in Eugene
SAG unites for worldwide Rule One
AFL-CIO Work in Progress April 29, 2002