A collection of articles and opinion pieces we think will be of interest to the
labor community.
Including: Dick Meister, Harry Kelber, Steven Hill, Alfredo Lopez,
Labor Poetry, and even a movie review

LaborNet Newsline:
UFW could force Davis' hand No middle road on farm labor issue
Judge to hear allegations of anti-union retaliation
Supreme Court Ruling Keeps Undocumented Workers Quiet
Teachers' feud with CA governor deepens
Teamsters, Wal-Mart may be near settlement
Unions, members split over governor in MI
Union charges Jeffboat with unfair practices
Election for NYC Firefighters union's top post turns nasty
PACE Union local chapters plan to vote on contract in TX
Kroger union workers may strike
Mexico: Legalization, Labor
Union challenges Mrs Baird's plan
New bill on arbitration limits
Labor making voice heard in local elections
AFL-CIO Work in Progress May 6, 2002