A collection of articles and opinion pieces we think will be of interest to the labor community.
Including: Dick Meister, Harry Kelber, Steven Hill, Alfredo Lopez

LaborNet Newsline:
Parent of UPW seizes control
American Airlines freezes wages
Strike a possibility as Sprint, labor union can't reach agreement
School mechanics, bus drivers settle contracts
Boston Mayor warns unions fiscal squeeze makes layoffs likely
Nurses call in contract mediator
Locked out Peterbilt workers taking job action against Paccar
Area firm's employees fight layoffs
Ruling in Australia May Have Big Impact on Web News Sites
Administration Proposes Rules That Can Alter Pension Plans
Library staff suspended over alleged internet porn use
Internet Filters Block Many Useful Sites, Study Finds
City center project OK'd in San Jose
Health Workers Union Wary of Smallpox Vaccinations
Yale Student Union Files Labor Complaint
UAL, unions start new talks
NHL: labor agreement most pressing issue
Union to take up Dow contract again
Union Tank Car contract settled
Steel Talks to Tackle Capacity, U.S. Labor Costs
Florida Power Corp., union reach tentative agreement
Union secretaries: unfair-labor practices
OGS commissioner urged to support cleaning staff unionization
AFL-CIO Work in Progress December 9, 2002