LaborNet Picks

TWU100 J.P. Patafio on picket
Fault Line: Deal or no deal, transit workers want more respect, less punishment
TWU100 Leadership in Deal to Share Health Plan Cost
'Subcomandante Marcos is over there on Folsom'
Hoffa faces tough re-election drive
Labor Party Prepares To Enter Electoral Arena
Grass-roots Delphi activist holds firm
'Solidarity' group bolsters the cause of union workers
Workers dispute UAW Ford health care vote
Health tab hits trade workers-Ironworkers and others pay more for less
LaborNet Issues: The Fight of Transport Workers Union local 100
Big Labor's Big Secret
A Party Of A Different Kind
AFL-CIO - Working America (voice for nonunion workers)
Labor On The Occupation
Cost of the War in Iraq
$300 billion
Iraq's IMF Loan Helps US Reaps The Benefits
The History & Class Role Of The National Guard
March 18 National Day of Action Against the War
Some Events
Call for Workers' Protest at Car Show
Detroit - January 8, 2006
( Bosses Want No Picket At Show )
Free Symposium & Film on the International Campaign to End Apartheid
Stanford - January 21, 1:00-5:00pm
Western Workers Labor Heritage Festival
Burlingame CA - January 13-15
Conference on Union Democracy Reexamined
Seattle - February 24-25
Southwest Labor Studies "The Future of the Labor Movement"
U.C.L.A. - March 10
Rank 'n File Speak
NY Labor Support for TWU Challenge
by Eladio Diaz - TWU 100
What Is Solidarity?
by Larry G. Solomon - former CAT-UAW751 Decatur President
The editors of invite workers and other readers
to contribute news and information about their struggles
as well as photos and videos to Labornet by emailing us below.