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"Eight hours is enough" Ford union employees in Windsor refuse OT

Mechanics' fight of cuts called 'reasonable'

United flight attendants barely ratify pay cuts to 1991 levels

N. Cal Contract Continues Concessions in Grocery Industry

UFCW Tops Make Out Like Bandits While Members Take Concessions

Cancer, Chemicals and History-Corporate effort to harass job safety historians

The Dirty Work

LaborNet Issues: Reforming the AFL-CIO

LaborNet's Labor Quotes Page

"Blood on the Upholstery of Jeep Liberty"
AFL-CIO - Working America (voice for nonunion workers)

Work in Progress, January 31, 2005

Cal Labor Code Protecting Political Rights

Labor On The Occupation

Cost of the War in Iraq
$150 billion

Rumsfeld-Perle-Wolfowitz Call for Iraq War in January 1998


Some Events

      BA Bricklayers/Hodcarriers To Picket Wal-Mart
     Oakland, CA - February 4

      Speak Out On Schwarzenegger's Lunch Break Ideas
     Los Angeles - February 4
     San Francisco - February 8

      Conf "The Future Of American Labor"
     Kansas City, MO - April 22-23

      Mass Protest of Injured and Disabled Workers
     California statewide - April 28, Workers Memorial Day

Rank 'n File Speak
By These Hands © David Parker

"You Are In For The Fight Of Your Life"
An Open Letter To SF Chronicle Workers
from Armand Nevers, ITU 18 retired

The Coming War At The San Francisco Chronicle
by Steve Zeltzer, IUOE

Another Rail Worker Killed In The Line Of Duty
by Larry Fredeen, B.L.E.

Where Is Our Union Going?
by Doug Slaydon, UFCW 588

A Story About Cab Drivers in Four Acts
by Ruach Griffis

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to contribute news and information about their struggles
as well as photos and videos to Labornet by emailing us below.

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