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Nearly 600 Coca Cola Drivers, Warehouse Workers walk out of the job Tuesday in solidarity with striking Oceanside employees-Call For Boycott Of Coke

Ford Excursion
The Struggles of Detroit Ensnare Its Workers

Steelworkers Merge With British Union

AFL-CIO Head Says White Workers Need to Look Beyond Race

Largest Teachers Union NEA To Back Candidate

Con Ed Workers Fear the Loss of High Pay and Solid Benefits

Don't Forget the Middle People Says SAG In Contract Fight

Screen Actors Guild aims to thwart AFTRA contract with studios

West Port contract talks continue beyond deadline

SF: Chinese Worker Alleges Racial Harassment By Texas Company While On Job At Muni

Wal-Mart Faces Fine in Minnesota Suit Involving Work Breaks

Battle in the Long Beach teachers union

US teacher is suspended for letting pupils read bestseller

Beleaguered Chicago IUOE 150 labor leader retires

Toxic feud at SEIU's top ends with resignations in Vegas-
SEIU Stern Put Crooked Official On International Payroll

Hiding injuries rewards companies

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Death in the Field-An interview with UFWA's Arturo Rodriguez

What Went Wrong in the American Axle Strike?

McCormick place issues

Why doesn't Obama take on Wal-Mart?
Fight For Democracy Is Not Over In SEIU

SEIU Reformers Challenge Union's Direction at Puerto Rico Convention

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Labor On The Occupation

U.S. Advised Iraqi Ministry on Oil Deals

US Iraqi Mercenary Forces Abandoned After Getting Wounded

Trade Union Antiwar Resolutions

Some Events

By These Hands © David Parker

LaborFest 2008 Schedule
San Francisco - July 5-31

SEIU Global Action Against KKR-Global Equity Firms
Amsterdam, 100 cities - July 16

Rally For Locked Out UAW 822 Members
Bronson MI - July 18

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