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Streaming Labor Bill Gates at the AFT Convention - 1984 Video - Union Buster Privatizer Bill Gates At AFT Convention-Gates Gets Booed LaborNet YouTube/Google Index Video & Audio index Labor Slideshow Index
Bill Gates at the AFT Convention - 1984
Video - Union Buster Privatizer Bill Gates At AFT Convention-Gates Gets Booed LaborNet YouTube/Google Index Video & Audio index Labor Slideshow Index
Top Secret America: A hidden world, growing beyond control Cancer rate in Fallujah worse than Hiroshima U.S.'s Yongsan bombing of 1950 caused 1,587 civilian deaths Trade Union Antiwar Resolutions
By These Hands (c) David Parker 500 LA Trade Unionists Go To Arizona To Challenge Racist Law Phoenix - July 29 LaborFest 2010 schedule San Francisco - July 1-31 Oklahoma Unions Announce "Oklahoma Laborfest" Oklahoma City - August 26-28 Unions and NAACP Planning Protest March Washington DC - October 2 Labortech 2010 San Francisco - Dec 10-12
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