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New Epicenter for Labor's Civil Wars-Stern Orders SEIU UHW, SEIU 1000, SEIU 1021 to pull out of SF Labor Council

Corruption In Top Leadership Of AFL-CIO "Trumka's Supporters and Everyone Else Are Silent About His Greed and Financial Mismanagement"

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis

US Labor Department to Tighten Scrutiny

UAW NUMMI Fightback Plan-Workers bracing to say goodbye to Toyota auto plant

Debate On AFL-CIO Convention Floor On Single Payer Versus Obama Plan?

Labor Warns Dems: We'll Sit Out Election If You Oppose Public Plan

How a New Union Is Staying Afloat (with a Little Help from Its Friends)

A Real Stella Solution

ILA President head returns some of $1.2M pay

Hines spy? "Industrial Espionage" In 113 Steuart St. Fight To Defend ILA-ILWU '34 Strike Headquarters

Westlands hides surplus water while farm workers beg for work and food

NYC Starbucks Workers Protest Rise in Health Premiums-"newly unionized Starbucks baristas gathered at the company's regional headquarters in Manhattan"

Worker Falls Four Stories to His Death When a Scaffold Collapses in Brooklyn

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"One of the Most Important Women in the American Labor Movement" You Haven't Heard Of

Lives of the Poets: meet the radical

Cards Stacked against Labor
Has Andy Stern Reunited Labor?

Divorce-Union Style

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Video - SF Unite-Here Local 2 Hotel Workers Rally & March
On Expiration Of Their 2009 Contract

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Labor On The Occupation

what a difference an invasion makes

Casualties of War-The hell of war comes home

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Some Events

By These Hands © David Parker

Solidarity Rally For ATU 1555 BART Worker and CA Public Workers
Oakland CA - August 25

Labor Day In Historic Pullman
Chicago - September 7

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